not exactly indexing question, but what do the different colors mean for ordinances.
@NathanielNotheisen NathanielNotheisen
The "Colour" (ie. "Legend") Scheme for "Temple" Work has been CHANGED.
Previously, there was x8 (really x9) "Colour" states for the 'Status' of "Temple" Work.
Previous "Colour" (ie. "Legend") Scheme
For whatever reason, 'FamilySearch' felt/considered that there were too MANY states for the 'Status' of "Temple" Work; and, reduced the number.
Now, there are ONLY x4 "Colour" states for the 'Status' of "Temple" Work.
A lot of Member Users/Patrons, were; and, are (still), concerned with the change.
This was the first iteration of the changed "Colour" (ie. "Legend") Scheme:
This is the latest/current iteration of the changed "Colour" (ie. "Legend") Scheme:
Here is a CURRENT "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
What do the different temple icons and statuses mean?
I hope this helps.
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If you go to your Tree view (Family Tree), you'll see the following option on the upper right corner of the FamilySearch screen: "Options" . Click that and the menu below will appear, showing all of the various colors and symbol meanings. You'll notice that I use a dark background with white lettering for my Family Tree view - that's what the "Invert Colors" option (last item at the bottom of the menu) means, just above "Print." You can self-select each of those options on your Tree simply by unchecking or checking the check boxes next to each one (i.e. turn them on or off).
-- Chris