Who can I contact or where can I get information on each process step from the church locating archi
My wife and I are consultants. We are kicking around the idea of sharing with the members, the steps of how Record Hints are developed. The steps we are looking at are; how the Church seeks out archived records, camera capturing them, uploading them on drives, how they are made available for indexing, and, finally, how they becoming Record Hints. We’d love to learn of facts, challenges, detailed descriptions and spiritual stories from people who have been involved in each of these steps. We think if the members realize all that is being done behind the scenes, they might be more inclined to appreciate what the Church is doing and how involved the Lord is in this work, and that they might be more willing to work on their Family History.
I recommend that you scan through the FamilySearch Blog, I am sure you can find most of what you're looking for. Here are just a few that might prove helpful.
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Sister Gurtler,
Thank you for the links. The second one led to another link that will really help with some of the information we were looking for.
One step that we would like to understand better is how the digitized information finds its way to populate into a specific ancestor’s Record Hint. I suspect it is just a database function?
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You're right! It is a database function which searches the tree and looks for matching information based on the data you have entered in the tree. That's why it's important to put dates and places in the tree even if they might be approximated.
This might help to explain it better https://www.familysearch.org/blog/en/record-hints-how-to/
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Thank you so much for you help. This is all excellent information.
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@banixon banixon may have something additional to share here? But those articles very well might be the best explanations that we have. It's a great idea to help people understand the big picture of how things come together.
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Thank you for Brett's link. That will be good for an intro overview.
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Interesting idea. Let me ask you this: do you want to teach them how to tell time, understand how a clock works, teach them how to be clockmakers, or all three?
I ask this question since most members simply want to know how to tell time. They never have had an interest in understanding how the clock works or how to become a clockmaker. In my experience, understanding how the clock works and how to become a clockmaker are reserved for that very small segment of ward populations at large and consultants. But I would hesitate even then trying to get people interested in clocks with an in-depth look at how clocks work and how to be clockmaker.
I've been reading a book chronicling Wilford Woodruff's amazing experience with temple & family history work, and he constantly preached to the saints about what the Lord was doing then (and continues to do even more so) to reveal our ancestors in order to do their work. His focus why on the monumental gift and responsibility placed on us by the Lord to perform saving ordinances for our ancestors. Unfortunately, the Saints both then and now struggled to understand and be motivated by the Lord's purposes for the restoration of the Gospel. What you propose, in my opinion, would be interesting, but not compelling, for the large portion of those to whom you present. Those that find it compelling will already be heavily involved in the work. Kind of like you presenting to the International Association of Clockmakers. If you're not a clockmaker, it's interesting at best.
I simply cannot overstate the individual discovery experience. Working with Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Presidencies, EQ, Primary, RS, and YM leaders and the T&FH Leader to identify and invite those who could benefit from a involvement with T&FH work yield the most productive fruit. As an example, I recently had a discovery experience with an EQ President who had done a lot of work 4 years ago, got frustrated, and walked away. Following the Spirit, I found a third great-grandfather who had siblings and a second spouse whose work needed to be developed and filled in. This individual sent me a note indicating that as a result of me re-introducing him to the work, he had since added 58 more ancestors. When an individual has a direct experience with the Spirit of Elijah, they will then either be moved to action or not. Interestingly, in many cases even when the spirit was present in discovery experiences, those individuals are slow to respond.
Just something to consider.
Brother Dave
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Thank you for your comments.
Along with the factual information, we also have pictures and spiritual stories from people who have been involved in the various stages.
Our main objective is to inform the members of the miraculous and extensive efforts that the Lord has put together to make Record Hints available. A bonus would be for some of the members to realize all the work and effort that the Lord is doing to gather Israel, and that they, too, might feel a need to do their part.