I would like some advise on seemingly conflicting records.
I have 2 records that seems to conflict.
The orphan record of Pieter Raedt (MWGV-LD7):
Pieter Raedt, son of Joos, became an orphan in 1605. One of his guardians was Francois Raedt.(source attached to Pieter)
The buitenpoorterlijst have the children of Jooris/Joos Raedt (MWGV-LD4):
Francois Raedt was a buitenpoorter from 1573 until 1638 (source attached to Francois/Frans)
and Joos Raedt was a buitenpoorter from 1573 until 1641. (source attached to Joos)
From the orphan record, we may assume that Francois Raedt was family in some sense. However, if he is the uncle, then his father was a buitenpoorter until 1641, hence he could not be an orphan.
If Francois was the grandfather, then Joos must have been born after 1573. However, Pieter became a buitenpoorter in 1607, hence was born before 1592, so Joos would have become a parent before the age of 20, which is unlikely. Francois Raedt could have been the nephew or uncle of Joos, but that seems a bit farfetched.
Does anyone have an idea what is happened with these records? Was Francois Raedt a nephew or uncle of Joos? Did they forget to remove Joos from the poorterlijst for over 3 decades? Did I misread the orphan record? Is there anything else I'm missing?
PS: Some people have researched this family before. One of them (see link below) claims that Jooris was the grandfather of Pieter (i.e. Francois is the uncle) and he know that Joos was a buitenpoorter, but ignore that Joos remained as a buitenpoorter until 1641.
Becoming a parent before the age of 20 was common in those days , Thiebout,and Poorterlijsten are not always very reliable.Also, the recurrency in naming was very common.Probably it would be a good pitch to investigate all what you can find on the 'Roedt' also?
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Thanks, I'll look into the family Roedt as well.
For young parent, I have the impression that becoming a parent before the age of 20 is uncommon (if not rare), but not impossible (i.e. you can't exclude it as a possibility). The reason I think that Francois is not the grandfather of Pieter, is that it would have happened twice in a row. That is, Francois became a buitenpoorter in 1573, not because he married, but because he was an orphan, i.e. a minor. So he would have married immediately afterwards. So both Francois and Joos would have been very young parents.
In what sense are the poorterlijsten unreliable? I often find peoples death in the burial record to correspond to their last appearance in the poorterlijsten and similar for marriage and first appearence.
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Could this be of any interest, Thiebout, it contains a lot of the "The Raedt's" from Meulebeke.
Pieter and Jooris are probably among them...
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I do not think the lists themselves are very unreliable, but the reasons people
were able to get on it.Poorterschap and buitenpoorterschap was not only hereditary or by marriage,but it could be bought by paying taxes.Poor people
often switched family to avoid the taxman.