⭐️ Here is a great article about two men from Washington County, Virginia. They are gathering names from the 1870 Census and creating trees in Ancestry, as well as utilizing other records to create trees on their historical society website. On Juneteenth 2021 they are hoping to put on a gathering of people that are linked to these trees, to connect them with each other and with many resources to help them in their family history research.
Enjoy the read!
@African American Genealogy Research
@Southern States Family History Research
@Welcome to Texas Y'all!
This is a fantastic article. I know that there are other projects like this going on around the United States. I am so excited to see the end result and the excitement of those finding their ancestors on such a challenging line.
Thank you for sharing
Kris Richins
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@Kris Richins I am so glad you liked it and love your excitement about this project. We are going to watch them too with their progress and try to connect them with some people that can lend a hand.
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I would appreciate some guidance. I am trying to such a project for the Boykins-Drewryville Communities in Southampton County, Virginia. I have titled my project "From Slavery to Freedom... 1870 Families Living in the Boykins Depot-Drewryville Communities in Southampton County, Virginia."
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks, Elwood Stith
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One of the big things is be OVER detailed oriented. Meaning check everything numerous times. I don't care what religion you are, put say a prayer every time you start working on it. You need all the help you can get. Also remember this is YOUR project, people will have suggestions, ideas, listen to them, but the final decision is yours. You are a wonderful person to take on these marvelous sweet people who lived in 1870. Good luck and please keep us updated on your progress!
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@Elwood Stith,
Please share a little about your project to help us know what kind of help you are seeking.
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@Elwood Stith As Cindee said, it would be good to understand more of what you are wanting to accomplish so we can share information with you in what we have all learned, and can also connect you with others. Whether it is story gathering, records collecting, tree building, or cemetery restoration. Big or small, all of them are amazing opportunities. We can't wait to hear what your ideas are.
In the meantime, here are a couple of ideas to get you started:
From the article you read, Walt Jenny has his email in the article and I think he would love for you to contact him and see what he is experiencing. You can mention you saw his article here.
Another reference is this website: https://rpaast.weebly.com/about.html Dr. Robert Bubb of Auburn University has done a lot of work with story telling and cemetery restoration.