Who has a Temple & Family History plan in your ward or stake that would be willing to share with thi
@RoyRaymondAllisonJr RoyRaymondAllisonJr
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@Family History Center Consultants
@New Stake Temple and FH Consultants
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Here are my ideas:
Ward Temple and Family History Plan Ideas
“Our Heavenly Father wants all of us to come home. That is the destination, or goal. A ward temple and family history plan is intended to help people take the covenant path back to their heavenly home to be with those they love.”
1. Ward members need to be actively on the covenant path.
a. What is the next ordinance each person in the family needs?
b. What is the individual’s plan and family’s plan to obtain needed ordinances?
c. Encourage family and individual plans/goals for regular temple attendance.
d. Individuals need to be regularly attending Sacrament meeting and partaking of the Sacrament to renew covenants.
e. How can ministering brothers and sisters help families to be active on the covenant path?
2. Regular Temple Attendance
a. Bishop
i. Regularly invite all members (age 11+) to have a current temple recommend (limited use or regular).
ii. Interview those whose recommends are not current and invite them to return to temple activity. Or those who have never obtained a recommend.
b. What can the Elders Quorum and Relief Society do to encourage active temple attendance?
c. Establish a regular ward temple night (monthly) – set a schedule for the entire year so that individuals and families can adjust work and other schedules to participate with the ward.
3. Family History
a. Teach all families/individuals how to use Ordinances Ready to obtain ordinances for each temple visit (until they learn how to add people to the Family Tree themselves).
b. Work with each youth and each of the youth’s family members to have a membership connected FamilySearch account with 4-generations of ancestors.
c. Encourage family/individual family history goals.
i. What do they want to do/accomplish?
ii. What is the Spirit prompting them to do?
iii. Have them work with ward temple and family history consultants to address their specific goals and needs.
d. What can the Elders Quorum and Relief Society do to encourage family history?
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Thank you for sharing with us @Amy Archibald 💚
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TFHLeaders: We have created one which has gone viral. You create a checklist of goals which when done in succession naturally leads you to the temple. The list is an excel sheet that is put into a Ward onedrive account so that many consultants can log in from home and call ward members, documenting yes and no answers in one place. This rolls to report which, when shown in correlation makes your team shine and gives the Bishop a pulse on ward FH activity https://youtu.be/IoajwKwoDRM.
for a copy of the sheet, you can also email us at naswfamilyhistory@gmail.com
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We did something similar a few years ago using Google Forms. The spread sheet was generated automatically.
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I've moved to a different ward since, but here's the plan we used in our ward last year:
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Our ward plan is simple. We have a monthly field trip to the family search center. Each consultant invites a ward member and they work on whatever the ward member is interested in. We focus on inviting new converts and others as suggested by ward council. This has to be over zoom for now but looking forward to the day our center opens again.
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Our Stake Template and Family History Consultant just shared their goal/plan with me: ensure every members in the stake has an experience with an ancestor.
I like a lot personally.