I previously posted a question about adoption records in Indiana. I have been trying to determine if my grandfatgher had been adopted by John Morton Walker. I submitted an inquiry to the State of Indiana and this is the response they sent to me:
"The Indiana State Department of Health-Vital Records did not start keeping track of adoptions until 1941. Our birth records did not start until 1907. If you are wanting a birth record please contact the local health department were the birth occurred. You may obtain the adoption record from the court where the adoption was finalized."
I am assuming from the Indiana website (https://www.in.gov/isdh/27862.htm that depending on the time frame and your relationship to the person in question, you might receive more specific information regarding an adoption.
Steve have you checked the Indiana links post on the right hand side of this page? (If you are using a cell phone, the links will show below the main feed instead.)
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I have looked at some of the links. I think maybe I should have gone a different route rather than looking for an adoption. i am primarily interested in determining if my grandfather himself changed his last name from Gray to Walker.
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Do you have Walker, Gray , or both in your DNA matches?
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No sure how to answer. When i search my dna relatives for walker I get 11 names and when I search gray I get 10 hints. Does that answer your question?