FHC Community volunteers and temple information in FS member accounts
I'm a FHC director. A community volunteer just started helping on shifts in our Center. I wrote FS Help asking if there's any way she could get the Help Others tool in her account. They replied:
"Non-members cannot have access to this tool under any circumstances. When a patron's account is accessed the helper also has access to temple functionality which non-members would not understand. All reference to temple work is sacred."
Anytime this volunteer helps a member in the Center she will see the temple menu. Should she not help members? She has a general understanding of the connection between genealogy and temples though of course she hasn't qualified names for ordinances nor reserved ordinances. With her experience as a professional genealogist I'd love her to help as many people as possible.
It's too bad there isn't a version of Help Others for nonmember FS accounts so they can also help friends, family, and the rest of us.
While we naturally want to be helpful in this endeavor, there are those who have ulterior motives to undermine the work, or who might get offended at the idea that someone (possibly from their family or ethnic group) had ordinances performed on their behalf despite their (or other family members) wishes, and would publicize this and make it more difficult for the church. There are also those who might choose to make bad changes in other people's accounts that would cause problems as well.)
It's a worldwide effort, and there are some countries/cultures/religious groups that are deeply offended (and sometimes outright hostile) to the idea of family ancestors being "converted" from their ancestral faith to another. It's so easy to spread rumors about what is perceived (wars have been started this way), rather than taking the time to gain a greater understanding of the idea of agency in the acceptance of this work. Some can't differentiate work done by proxy vs work done in person.