I have a birth record of Stephanie Stevens , born November 7, 1842, parents Joannes Baptista Stevens and Maria Theresia Verhegge. I know of various spellings of words..so "year" in this document is spelled jaere" it repeats throughout the doc. ( Tot = te?) there are several place names that I think that I figured out, but need help with( there is a long section about and with French words.., there are special official names like "pre'sesstie", days and that word " veldwagter!!), were writing differently, and who knows.. this was very difficult for me because I really had to go and separate words to make sense of the document. I have transcribed it.. below.. I have translated it ( at home). I just want to make sure that my transcription is correct before my translation. Challenge .. you bet!! Any help, additions and corrections would be welcomed..https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S7WF-989D-T9?i=142&cc=2138513&cat=351963 Birth record for Stephanie Stevens, b. November 7, 1842 FS film 004774304, Image 143, entry 46
Den jaere achttien hondred twee en veertig, den zevensten November ten drie uren namimidday, voor ons francis van Nevel, Burgemeester ambtenaar van den Burgerlijken stand, den Gemente te van Landegem , arrondissement van Gent, Provintie van Oostvlaanderen is ge komen Joannes Baptista Stevens, werk man oud een en veertig Jaeren, woonende tot Landegem, dem welken ons heft vertoond aen kind van het vrouwlijk geslacht, geboren heden zevensten November ten twaelf uren des middags, in zy ( zij) huize binnen deze Gemente wijk Heirneshoek van hem verklaerden en van Maria Theresia Verhegge, oud twee en veertig jaeren zyne huisvrouwe, en waaraan hij verklard te willen geven den voornaem van Stephanie, de voornoemete de verklaring en de vertooning gedan in de pre’sentie van Charles Louis Lippens, veldwatcher, oud dertig jaeren woonende tot Landegem en Petrus Standaert Secretaris, oud vijfen dertig jaeren woonende tot Meerendre’, en wij hebben dezen akt naar voorlezing met den vader en de getuigen ondertekenen
In the year 1842, the 7th November at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, appeared before Francis Van Nevel, Mayor and civil servant of the civil registration, of the municipality of Landegem, borough of Gent, Province of Oost-Vlaanderen does come Joannes Baptista Stevens, laborer, 41 years old, residing at Landegem, the one which has shown 1 child of the female gender, born today 7th November at 12 o’clock in the afternoon, in his house within the municipality district of Heirneshoek, of him declared and of Maria Theresia Verhegge, 42 years old, (she) a housewife and which declared willingly to give the name of Stephanie, the abovementioned declaring and showing done in the presence of Charles Louis Lippens, police man -mountie, 30 years old living at Landegem and Petrus Standaert , Secretary, 35 years old living at Meerendre’, and having read this act aloud with the father and the witnesses undersigned /signed under.
binnen deze gemeente wijk Heirnis ??? (Heirnis is a quarter in the city of Gent)
de verklaring en de vertooning gedaen in de présentie van (in the presence of)
Meerendre = Meerendre: village in East Flanders, now part of the city of Dienze.
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Thank You Gilbert,
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One of the difficulties with google translate, is that it will happily avoid for the most part, to translate the old words and terms.
Today we write ,Veldwachter,..ten jare or ten jaere is 'in the year,..waeraan is waaraan, etc, ..this is off course an important difficulty for non-native's or even here younger people.
Yes, Gilbert,het Heirnespleintje is hier niet ver van mij.!20 km ong.
For the most part, Carla,all the content is okay, the typo's left aside.
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Dear Adrie,
Thank you,
So in my doc. - Place after wijk should be " Heirnespleintje" and then add hoek?
Also " naer" "naar" - na- meaning - after?
I also have found "reverse dictionary on line" to help with words.
Thank you again.
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No, sorry Carla, the location is Heirneshoek, in the document, the term i used towards Gilbert, is a known location
overhere, called Heirnespleintje.
The term naar (naer) is towards,to.
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Let me know if you ever need help with translating. I am Flemish but have lived in the states for 50 years.
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Thank you Anne,
As you can see I will need help.
i appreciate the offer.