UPDATED THE DOCUMENT ( with a lot of help)Dear Group,
This is a birth record for Maria Irma Stevens, born October 24, 1875. I know that she is the daughter of Pieter Stevens and Clementia Poelvoorde. I need help with words and phrases within the ( ). The script was a hard challenge for me. I would appreciate a look and can you please add the Dutch to the sections that are within the ( ) so that I can see. I also see a "title of a "delegate", but for the life of me.. can't find it. If you see that I have something else wrong . can you please correct me. I am trying. Again, as always.. Thank you. Carla https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-9974-LZ3D?i=106&cat=1913938
Birth record for Maria Irma Stevens film 007033161 , Image 107 October 24, 1875
Birth record for Maria Irma Stevens film 007033161 , Image 107 October 24, 1875- UPDATED
Den jare achttien hondred vijf en zeventy den vijfen twintigsten October te drie een urs namiddays, voor ons Jans Berhard van Debeil, Schepen gedelegeerd ambtenaar vos Burgerlijke stand de stad Denize, provinte oostvlaanderen, be akte de da te ( Viergen en ) twintigsten October achttien hondred twee en zeventy Is gekomen Pieter Francisus Stevens, oud vijfen viertig Jaren, hovenier, geboren te Meerendre’ en wonende dezes stad dewelk ons vertoond heft een kind van het vrouwlijk gesacht, geboren gistern vier en twingtigsten October twee ure eere den namiddags, en zijne wonende stand alhier en te Pierre Nieckols,/ Den Wijk B ( __ )huis echtogenote en van Clementia Poelvoorde oud dertig Jaren, zijne huisvrouw gebortig van Vinckt en aan welk kind hij verklaaret de welken te willen te geven voornamen van Maria Irma. Deze vertooning en verklaaring gedane In Bijwezen van Prosper Vincent, oud ach ten ( 80?) Jaren, bakker en Desire’ Van Doeve, oud zeven en vertigo Jaren ambtenaar van Politie', beide wonende en deze stad: ( ) de vader en de getuigen met ous deze geboorte verklaaring en gedane voorlezing geteekend.
Translation: The year 1875 , the 25th day October at 3 o’clock mid afternoon ( afternoon) appears before Jans Berhard Debeil, magistrate ( delegate) civil servant of the civil registration of the city of Deinze, province Oost-Vlaanderen, ( by the deed/ signed this day) ( I see negen ) and 20 October 187 ? ( TWEE ?? should say vijf or vier) did appear Pieter Franciscus Stevens 45 years old, gardener, born at Meerendre’ and residing in this city , who has shown us I child of the female gender, born yesterday the 24th October 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and being /also residing here and at Pierre Nieckols of Wijck B, and his spouse ( or his wife) and of Clementia Poelvoorde, 30 years old, being a housewife, born of Vinkt and to which child we declared to want to be given the name Maria Irma. The showing and the declaring done- in the presence of Prosper Vincent, ( 88) years old, baker and Desire’ Van Doeve, 47 years old, policeofficer, both residing in the city: ( ) the father and the witnesses with us the birth declaring and done reading signed.
Carla, a 'gedelegeerd ambtenaar or gedelegeerd bestuurder' , is a delegate that is
delegated to perform duties for the mayor when he is absent, or needs to perform other duties.Mostly they take another member of the municipality counsil , called
schepenen, and especially they mostly take the first "schepen" to fullfill the mayors
duties.However the mayor can also appoint a ships master , or an agent, or a
notary ,and even a customs officer to take his place, if he sees fit.
You also have two new terms now ...
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Thank you once again for the help. I did put schoepen- ship.. and said to myself.. no... Also.. ( ) right before Pieter's name. I now have " Is gekomen= has come." It took looking at the other entries to finally maybe see that the first letter was his "I". more to add to my list of words and phrases. I also now see that the ( )after Meeerendre' saying " en wonende deze stad" correct? Thank so much again. I am learning to really try and separate the up and down strokes from some words. Thank you.
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Adrien Kintizer
Adrie if you have a minute (again) I have it all but, last words on the 11th line and 2 words at beginning of 12th line ( Dier __ Kolsberg vrijk B ??) a place for sure.
" vrijk" free?
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Is gekomen (did appear)and (wonende in deze stad)(residing in this city )= correct.
Denize is "Deinze"
Het bijwezen,needs to be 'in Bijwezen' (in the presence of..) "in the presence of his father,=in bijwezen van zijn vader (only as example)
provintie oostvalaanderen= provincie Oost-Vlaanderen
i have to admit, its a very difficult read, what i sometimes do if the readability is so bad or very faint or bled out; is dumping it to the printer,like in Print_screen
and overdraw the letters with a sharp pencil,that really helps.But maybe that will be something for the future, like working with multiple tabs and sessions.
Later on i will come back to that, and if i forget, pls remind me of it.
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Thank you again.. and for saying it is difficult.. those up and down strokes mess me up, but.. I will keep trying. Carla
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it reads "Pierre Nieckols/ den wijk b", which is an old Flemish spelling for
Pierre Nicole,=>
and / wijk b is the hamlet or neighborhood.
Traditionally , here , many hospitals have names like that.
Vinckt = Vinkt
i'm off for some moments now--
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Try to regard them as anchor-points, and they improve the readability.
Do you think it could be interesting to make a list of them, like say G, P,L,
T ,H, etc ? , it will not be a long list,and the template it produces is usefull.
I leave it at your discretion for this part.
Your improvements are massive.But do not go too fast, try to fine-tune the model.(the model you are working on is_yourself)
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Adrie , Thank once again.. I have updated my document (at home with all your helping of words, phrases and places. I am almost finished. Will ask later about a phrase that totally does not work..
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Thanks Adrie,
i did replace the original document in the feed to reflect your help with transcription. I also added translation.. I put a question in the translation because to my eyes.. I see TWEE.. etc. I even looked at the other documents for help but all I see is Twee + 70 for a year?? Yes.. I do need to slow down and make a list of those. Your patience with me is most appreciated. carla
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This is the line, negenentwintigsten Oktober 1872 (achttienhonderd twee en zeventig)
As place of birth -the hospital/maternity; you have to maintain the real adress in your transcription/translation,altough is is advised to adopt
the modern spelling for the other localities , like say Deynze is nowadays only on the maps as Deinze.
So, carefull,.....Pierre Nieckols/Den Wijck B =>(this is not to be altered.)
-Désiré Van Doeve, _NOT doebe_ is named as 'Ambtenaar Van Politie' (policeofficer)
The stroke of the plume over the location of the v/b is from the word in the line under it, that word is Beide(both) , the 'd' is shooting to the line above.
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Thanks.. I am really confused.. the year is 1875 ( so by a deed that was signed Maria Irma Stevens was born October 29, 1872?) yesterday?? was this a late registration? Carla
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Adrie, Here is her naturalization record.. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS81-3496-2?cc=2546149&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3ACCQV-TKPZ Carla
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It caught my eye too,but i was interested to see if you would notice....
If you carefully read all other entry's; you will see that the scribe
writes the same year and sentence for all of them.
1872 , achttien honderd twee en zeventig no doubt about it.
And the books year is 1875, as indeed , you were aware of.
The period around 1870 to 1890 was full of riots , political and military unrest.Furthermore, after Belgium broke away fro the Dutch ruling,there
was about zero archival transmission, it took the government from 1850 to 1900 to re write all archives , or to copy them, as the law here only allows written documents for this deeds.Even today,if one buys a house here, the notary deed is handwritten to store in the archives,we get a typed copy.
So , most probably , what we are observing here, is some sort of historical event.
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So here they took 1875 , 24Th okt , and the deed says 25 Okt. 1875
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THANK YOU ADRIE.. I looked at all the entries and saw "twee" . SO.. She was Born Oct 24, 1875 and He father appeared on Oct 25 1875 . I will make a notation about this. Carla
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Yes, that would be it,imho. nice to see that she migrated towards Michigan,as so many Belgians and Dutch went over there.
Most of them would try to farm,or work in factories of John Deere later on i think, as my grandfather told me, and he also
considered for quite some time to go there, he was a blacksmith. Many people with my familyname live there, and after some
intenss contact some 15 years ago, one of them give me all there whereabouts,and their familytree, and it took me quit some years to find out ,that
we were actually related.I only found out two years ago, and i still have to inform him/them.He worked at Lake Michigan surveying the waterquality.