Why make more steps?
I have been using the Memory Uploader function frequently, and it seems like recent changes are making it harder, not easier. :(
I understand the need to specify Public or Private. That's not a problem because I can just hit the default and continue.
In uploading photos, my usual procedure was to choose (from the Memories tab) Add Memories > Add Photo or Document > Select Files [previously it was "From My Device"]. I choose my file and upload. Then it prompts for Title, Description, Place, and Date. But it doesn't go into that person's Memories. It only goes into the Gallery. So then I have to take ANOTHER step and go through the whole process again to upload from the Gallery into the person's Memories.
After doing this a few times, I discovered that if I don't enter the Title, etc. up front—but just move on—it DOES upload to Memories. So PLEASE just get rid of that pop-up and add in the extra info later like it used to be. (I think it's less confusing to do the descriptions later, because then I can look at the photo while I'm describing it. )