I have a problem with the new Memory Viewer that has not been discussed.
I am not sure I can accurately describe it. It has to do when there is a memory like an obituary that has typed lines close together AND a large group of people that need to be tagged.
First, the spot to drop your cursor gets blocked by the previous person't two tags. Why do you need to specify this tag twice? It takes up up too much room on the line below that tagged person's name., thus interfering with the 2nd person's tag. Very difficult to navigate. I do understand how to make the image larger—that only marginally helps.
Second. some person's id numbers are recognized right away but others take a double entering. This is hard to describe.
Sorry to hear that the tagging function is giving you grief. Let’s see if I can help you.
I believe that everything you have written is a known issue, but respond back if you think it is a different issue.
Yes, the tagging function does have limitations that are often frustrating. Having a document with lots of print that also needs lots of tagging is one of those frustrating limitations.
As for the two-tags-per-person, I’m not sure if you have Family Group Trees or not. If you do have Family Group Trees, then yes, a single person can have multiple Person IDs (PIDs). And all I can offer is the solution of enlarging the image as much as possible when adding multiple tags (which, as you know, isn’t always a perfect solution).
If you don’t have Family Group Trees, then the two-tags-per-person can be fixed. First, you need to understand that when you open an ancestor’s Person Page and add a Memory, the system automatically adds a tag, which usually covers the entire image. So select that frame and resize it accordingly. If for some other reason you have multiple tags of the same person (with the SAME PID), then you can detach one tag by clicking the gear icon next to their name in the right side-bar.
One more note about tagging with lots of people….You can move and resize the tags at any time. I understand this might not help in your situation, but it is an option.
As for PIDs being recognized or not, here is a link to a discussion about why sometimes the system generates your person and sometimes not: