Translation Request -Latin Death Record
Hodie 28 febr, a me infra scripto p[aro]cho ritu catholico sepulta est Christina Ähli(?), aetatis sua 84 circiter annorum, omnibus sacramentis rite munita, uxor legit: Antonii Wägell /p[iae] m[emoriae]/ civis olim in Nothalden. testes suscripserunt Michael Wägel et Petrus Wyd, ambo cives in dicto Nothalden.
[signed] Michael Wegel, Peter Weyd, Pastor Josephus Zuber, loci pro tempore p[aro]chusTranslation:
Today, the 28th of February was buried according to the Catholic rite by me, the subscribed priest, Christina Ähli_, aged about 84 years, duly protected by all the sacraments, the legitimate wife of Anton Wägell /of pious memory, i.e. deceased/ a former citizen in Nothalden. As witnesses subscribed Michael Wägel and Peter Wyd, both citizens of the said Nothalden.
[signed] Michael Wegel, Peter Weyd, Pastor Josephus Zuber, for the time being local pastorMy comment: the surname of Christina is not fully clear; there is a hook at the end which may mark an ending like -us or just -s.