Translation Request: Marriage record of Franz Schratzenstaller and Genovefa Langenegger

This one is in Latin. I was hoping the parents of the bride and groom were listed, but they don't appear to be. Thank you for your translation! Tammi
Date of Marriage: August ?, 1781
Groom: Franz Schratzenstaller, of Abtismuhl
Bride: Genovefa Lanenegger
Weddings - 4-H-1 | Kühbach Augsburg, rk. Diocese | Germany | Matricula Online (
On the day before the kalendis of the August (i.e. on July 31st) the honorable young man Franz Schraezenstaller, Abbtismiller, held wedding (after three proclamations) with the chaste maiden Genofeva Langenegger of Küh[e]bach, the witnesses being Mr. Joseph Weinhard & Heindl of Küh[e]bach and Theodor Rotten Kolber of Inchenhofen.
No, parents are not listed here.
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Google translate did not do a good job at all — the translation went something like "a very hot day in August…" :-D
So thankful for your help Ulrich!