Translation request - Dutch to English (or Dutch to German, or Dutch to Spanish)
I hope to find help reading and translating a marriage record written in Dutch. It is from a Dutch community in Denmark, in 1744.
It is the record on the top, righthand page. The couple is Pieter Willlumsen and Thryn Dirchs dogter.
I also attach a photo of the record, in case the link does not work.
Any help reading and translating the record would be much appreciated.
Best regards,
(Name removed)
The link is not working , do you have the locations of the place of….or the path with locations to the catalogue?, or a wider framed jpeg image.Or you can try to repost the link via 'insert media'
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Dear Adrlen,
Thank you very much for the information. I am sorry the link does not work. I have not tried this before. Hopefully "Insert media" will work.
I hope the jpg is legible.
Otherwise, I found it here on under:
Denmark Church Records, 1484-1941
Browse all...
Store Magleby
2 (1729-1770)
Image # 144 --> on the righthand side, the very top, the first 4 lines right under "1744".Best regards,
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@L.Henriksen Mod note: Community is a public online forum. For your privacy, your post was edited to remove a name that is not part of your username. Please see the Community Code of Conduct for more details.
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Now you are hoovering here anyway,..what do you think would be the reason the link is invalidated?, could you re-edit the link to make it work?….just curious…
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The Community is having trouble with broken links at the moment. It is a known issue and the engineers are working on it. In the meantime… here is the fixed link:
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Well, thank you Ashlee, altough i was aware of the troubles with the links nowadays,many member do not, and yes you can repair them. Saves time to find the book.
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Altough my language is Dutch i am not a native Dutch but a Flemish Belgian,i can read that the marriage was done withouth previous announcement as well for the Church as for the civil register,and that royal deliberation was given for the marriage possibly for reasons of age for the bride or a pregnancy /too young age for the bride combined was the reason? ,…Hmm, i hope that Gjt can help , as he is a native Dutch en the whole article is a difficult read… will go to his mailbox.
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@Adrien Kintziger @L.Henriksen
Maybe nice to have some historical background:
Amager, a Dutch colony south of Copenhagen and Nordstrand, a Flemish island near the German coast.
Long before Christian II and his wife ceded the island of Amager to 184 Dutch farmers in 1521, a lively trade between the village of Dragør on that island and the Zuiderzee ports can be observed.
In 1547, the Dutch immigrants were allowed to live in the southern part of the island, namely in Store Magleby, also called the ‘Dutch town’, in return for an annual tax and the obligation to provide the royal palace in Copenhagen with carrots and onions.The strength of the Dutch on Amager lay in a strong sense of solidarity, pride in their origins and loyalty to their ancestral customs. They lived there completely isolated from the Danish farmers and it is typical that the first mixed marriage was not blessed until 1759, 200 years after their settlement. In the church of Store Magleby there are still Low German inscriptions to be found and in the comic mixed language that the residents had created - in which, among other things, the psalm books were composed - sermons were still preached until 1811.
Translated from Ons Erfdeel. Jaargang 19
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Attempt to translate marriage record:
3 February - Pieter Willumsen and Thrijn Dirchsdogter in church(?) married without banns and without proclamations from the pulpit because of royal permission(?). Witnesses and watchers Willum Pietersen father of groom and Jacob Dircksen brother of the bride.
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Gjt, ik heb de term gevonden ,het is een oudnederlandse , als in deze zin,…
"Dat zy gezind was, met bewilging van de Staaten, Haar landvoogdy, gezach, en alles te verlaaten; (p. 12)", als je de zin plakt in een prompt heb je het artikel.In deze zin is de betekenis simpel, 'goedkeuring', met bewilging van de staten. Dus in het trouwboek is de gehele zin, 'zonder afkondiging van de preekstoel,met Koninklijke Bewilging'In verdere artikels op die pagina's kun je trouwens de gehele term vrij goed lezen.Natuurlijk ter info, uw artikel over de Nederlanders in Denemarken is redelijk interessant.
@L.Henriksen ⇒ feel free to use google translate to view the content!
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Thank you so much for your help and the interesting background info. I'm truly amazed at all your help.
L. Henriksen