Translation help with 1688 Burial
I am sure I have botched my attempt at transcribing and translating this 1688 burial record for Jerg Braun of Oberheinriet, Württemberg. The scribe forms a few letters in an "interesting" personal style! The first letter in the word after "Jahr" is a complete mystery to me. I am probably overthinking this? I cannot determine the Bible verse either. Here is what I imagine: (Haha!)
Den 1. Novembres [there is a letter “h”written over the last part of the word?] ist todes Verlebichen Jerg Braun bürger in Obernheinrieth, sienes alterns 61. Jahr. Leichenten Phil. 1. Christusist neuleben p. Vhster. 16 knl. 5. d.
On November 1, Jerg Braun citizen in Oberheinriet, died/passed away at the age of 61 years. Funeral text Philippians 1, Christ is new life, after what is 16 ? 5.
Here is a link to the record:
Braun Jerg 1688 bur img412 (
Thank you so much!
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
Beste Antwort
Wow! Thank you Ulrich Neitzel! I worked on this a long time and was determined to figure it out myself, but I finally gave up. I am amazed that I was even close to correct. I now see the words at the beginning of the text of the Bible verse are given, rather than the verse number. Of course, all the letters are obvious when I see your transcription! 😉
Thank you for your generous and expert help!
Gott segne dich!
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
You did really well with the transcription and translation:
Den 1. Novembris [the ending is just an ornamental loop, see 16 Septembris above] ist todes Verblichen Jerg Braun bürger in Obernheinrieth, seines alters 61. Jahr. Leichentext Phil. 1. Christus ist mein leben p. Vhster. 16 knl. 5. d.
Your translation is fully correct.
The Bible verse is Philippians 1,21: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
I do not understand the last remark/numbers; maybe it relates to the payment for the burial?