Ottenbach ZH - marriage - 1674 - Sidler & Grob - Ludwig & Verena
Eighth document. FS and Ancestry has nothing on this woman.
Unfortunately the marriage entry doesn't tell us much, just that she was from Ottenbach:
Den 28ten Aprell [1674]
Ludi Sÿdler vnd Verena Grobin, Beide allhir
According to the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis she was born in Nov. 1612 - no exact date: this could be an indication that she was not baptised in Ottenbach - or no exact date given then? I would expect her baptism (if in Ottenbach) on film 008014328 page 80: you may want to check this.
Grob were spread all over canton Zürich - she could have been from somewhere else, just moving to Ottenbach prior to her marriage with Ludi Sidler - although Ottenbach was one of the places of citizenship for Grob as well.
Verena could have been a widow - that Ludi was a widower is not mentioned 1674 either. EDB finds two marriages of a Verena Grob in Ottenbach - 1661 and 1665 - would be rather late for a woman born 1612, at least for a first marriage. But on 17.03.1635 a Verena Grob married in Maschwanden, … however, without further info this is mere speculation and should not be followed up - I guess we have to accept this.
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WSeelentag Any information is good when it comes to Verena because there is so little. You have given me some good clues. I'm going to look into this a little more. Thanks.