Translation request Birth/Death Ida Schultz
Birth 1897, #242, Zdunksa Wola Evang.
Death 1898, #17, Zdunksa Wola Evang.
Ida Schultz, Parents Karol/Ottilie Ziegler
Translated from Russian:
Birth Record No. 242, Zdunska Wola, of Ida Schultz, born in Zdunska Wola on the 19th September 1897, christened on the 21st September 1897, daughter of Karol Schultz, a miller, 32 years old, resident of Zdunska Wola, and of his wife, Ottylia, born Ziegler, 28 years old. Witnesses: Adolf Fibich, a teacher, 27 years old, and Jakub Schifer, a master weaver, 64 years old, both residents of Zdunska Wola. Godparents: the first witness and Berta Schike, born Schultz.
Death Record No. 17, Zdunska Wola, of Ida Schultz, who died on the 23rd January 1898, death reported on the 24th January 1898, she lived 4 months, daughter of Karol Schultz, a master miller, 32 years old, and of Ottylia, born Ziegler, she was born in Zdunska Wola and lived there with her parents. Death reported by Karol Schultz, the father of the deceased, and by Martin Marschak, a master tailor, 41 years old, both residents of Zdunska Wola.
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