Assuming sex of person
On Eva Monnett, KHK7-4Q3, there is a warning that reads:
"This person's sex does not match the information found on Byron E Monnette, "Ohio, Crawford County Obituaries, 1860-2004"."
Now the database in question, Ohio, Crawford County Obituaries, 1860-2004 has transcribed death notices and obits in abstract form. So the volunteers who created these were using what was in the articles, not always including the full wording of the articles themselves.
So Eva and her sister Lola were included in the obit by their married names: Mrs. William Dallas, and Mrs. E.N. Wilson. This is an issue for the system. Because women used their husband's names at the time as a proper form of identification. But that is a conflict.
@monnettohio another incorrectly attached source. You will need to go into the sources for Eva and detach this source:
This should remove the issue
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@monnettohio FYI, we have recently updated the experience for source consistency issues. Let me know if this helps.