transcription/translation request Brombach 1755 Birth record
I'm hoping someone could transcribe/translate the items I'm missing from the birth record on the bottom left entry (continuing to the top of the second page). What i see is below - with holes. Wondering also if the child would be known as Johann Peter Werner, or Johann Peter Seip… ideas? Thanks for your help!
Johann Peter (Spürius) wurde von Maria Ursula, des weyland ? Johann Georg Werners ? zu Brombach hingelassenen Tochter das 18th April geboren und den 20th getauft. ? Patens war Johann Peter Sauter burger daselbst und ? Maria Ursula zum Vater des Kindes an den Johannes Seippen Weyland Johann Jacob Seippen geruft ? hingelassenen Sohn.!AnGuunyV29aQyRvSqlBb3VhC8kFv?e=uhysPV
Beste Antwort
The child's surname would most likely be the same as the mother's, especially if the person named as the father denied paternity. If the mother and father later married, then the child would take on the father's surname. Customs vary by place and time, but I think this was the general practice.
I've been reading about Kirchenrecht - canon law - in Germany lately, and the naming convention for illegitimate children is described here, p. 198, #97d -
Here are some of your question marks filled in -
Johann Peter (Spürius) wurde von Maria Ursula, des weyland vorachtbahren Johann Georg Werners Gerichtsverwandter zu Brombach hingelassenen Tochter das 18th April geboren und den 20th getauft. Gevatter war Johann Peter Sauter burger daselbst und giebt ? Maria Ursula zum Vater des Kindes an den Johannes Seippen Weyland Johann Jacob Seippen Gerichtsverwandter daselbst hingelassenen Sohn.
Note - this leaves only one question mark, after giebt, but that word looks like it was added later in a different hand, and may be an abbreviation of some sort.
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Thank you! Do you have an idea of whether Johann Peter would go by surname of Werner or Seip based on this birth record?
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Thank you very much!