Danish translation help
Lena's baptism record appears about halfway down the left page (invocavit, 28 Feb 1762). Her father is identified as Anders smed, a smith.
After Lena's name it says: "baarn of Niels Hansens Datter"…
I'm trying to figure out what other information this record containes.
Thanks in advance!
Kari M
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Dom. Invocavit, Anders Smeds barn af Bierreager, nafnl.
Lene, baaren af Niels Hansens Datter, faddere Wilhelm Ste-
pler?, Rasmus Larsen, Jens Nørgaard, Rasmus Sørensen, Eric
Olesen, Henric Mejer og Hustrue
Baaren af = carried / held child at font
faddere = godfather, godmother, sponsor