Translation request marriage Reinhold Z.
Translation request marriage Reinhold Ziegler and Berta N.
1888 Lodz sw. Trojca Evang.
Certificat #217
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 217, Lodz, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, Sw. Trojca, dated the 29th September,1888, of Reinhold Ziegler (written in Russian Cigler), a bachelor, carpenter, 28 years and 8 months old, born in Konstantynow, son of a clothier living in Zgierz, Adolf Ziegler, and of his wife, Henrieta, born Zobel (written in Russian Cobel), and of a maiden, Berta Neubert, 21 years and 8 months old, she was born in Lodz, daughter of a local weaver, Herman Neubert and of his deceased wife, Katharina, born Kaplinska, she lives in Lodz with her father. This marriage was preceded by three marriage banns published in this Evangelical-Augsburg Church. Permission of the father of the bride was granted. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Wilhelm Neubert, 30 years old, and Adolf Zauke (Cauke in Russian), 37 years old, local weavers.
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You are correct, the age of Reinhold Ziegler is listed as 20 years and 8 months old, and it would be consistent with his birth record. Thank you for noticing it.