Translated needed of birth of Fryderyk Wilhelm Jelonek 1825
Translate birth record of Fryderyk Wilhelm Jelonek on this page # 33
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Translated from Polish:
Micr. 008414490 Image 431 of 985
Birth Record No. 33, Zelow Civil Records Office, of Fryderyk (written Fryderych) Wilhelm Jelonek, born in House No. 16, on the 28 February 1825, birth reported on the 5th March 1825, son of Fryderyk (written Fryderych) Jelonek, 24 years old, a farmer from village Zelow, and of his wife, Rozyna Pobiela (?), 18 years old, of the first marriage. Witnesses: Maciej Staszech, 26 years old, and Krystyan Saprinycz, 30 years old, a farmer from village Zelow. This record was read and signed.
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Thank you for translating this birth record which is very important to my family tree. However I am surprised that the name of the wife is not Anna Miller as it should be. Everything else is correct. Now I have to revisit my tree to make sure I am in the right line.
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I was wrong, his mother was Rozina Fibich. Hi wife was Anna Miller. With three generations of the same name it gets very confusing. My apologies and again I am most greatful for your help.
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You are correct, Rozyna Fibich it is. The writing is not very clear, but Fibich can be interpreted as such.