3 words in 1643 Alsace birth record
Record #4 at the top of the righthand side page.
Any suggestions for the 3 bolded words that I couldn't figure out
:Anno MDCXLiii
:Dienstags den 17 Jan. wurde Thiebolt Heimbürger und seiner Haußfr: Ottilia ein Junge Tochter getauff, mit namen Anna, waren die Pfetter Hanß Gire dir Gottlen Anna Schott Hanß se. und Ottilia Arbogap Heimbürger sön?? [junste?] Tochter ??zwaÿ Junge ledige ??Meÿdlig.
:Year 1643
:Entry no.: 4
:Tuesday the 17 Jan. Thiebolt Heimbürger and his Wife Ottilia had a Young Daughter baptized, with name Anna, Godfather was Hanß Gire the godmothers, Anna [daughter of] Schott Hanß deceased and Ottilia, ?? daughter of Arbogap Heimbürger ?? Young unmarried ??
:[17 Jan 1643 Julian date converts to 27 Jan 1643 according to http://5ko.free.fr/en/jul.php?y=1643, which was a Tuesday]
Source: Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Lampertheim - Registres Paroissiaux (Avant 1793) - Paroisse protestante et catholique (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes mariages sépultures 1634-1680 - 3 E 256/2; https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C255-P21-R164334#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C255-P21-R164334-1286361; Image 24 of 91
Beste Antwort
Hello @Tom Randolph,
I read the last four words of the record as:
zweÿ Junge ledige Mägdlein = two young unmarried girls/maidens.
This appears to be a collective reference to the two godmothers, Anna and Ottilia.
I read Ottilia's father's first name as "Arbogast" rather than "Arbogap."
The word after "Arbogast Heimburgs" appears to be an abbreviation and might be "sen." = senior = the elder.
That makes perfect sense, thanks @Robert Seal_1!
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You're welcome, @Tom Randolph.