Comments about sharing data between Family Tree and the CET
I have heard some comments that eventually, the CET would be able to share data back and forth with the FamilySearch Family Tree including the possibility of reserving and printing temple ordinances. One of the main reasons for having a personally owned family tree such as the CET, is the concern by some users about the changes made to the FamilySearch. The idea with the CET is, in part, to create a safe haven for those concerned users. The shared data issue should not include a defacto way of changing good information in the FamilySearch Family Tree with bad information from an old GEDCOM file upload or any other bad information. A better AI aided duplicate detection program would not only detect duplicates in the FamilySearch Family Tree but could also prevent the sharing of bad information with good. An AI chatbot or even just an AI search could capture potential duplicate entries when someone tries to move a new entry into the Family Tree and alert the person to either reconsider the entry or stop it altogether. If the AI chatbot had information showing the patterns of families in the Family Tree, then it could stop a large percentage of the changes and duplicates before they were entered into the Family Tree. The CET should not end up being a way to upload duplicate GEDCOMs in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Perhaps uploads to the Family Tree could be limited to entries that were not duplicates but also had sources attached. Stop or Qualify entries.
We are working on features that will compare CET vs FamilyTree and inform the user when there are high confidence matching persons across the two tree systems. User will then be presented with a tool (similar to SourceLinker) that will allow the user to align the family from the CET with the corresponding family in the Family Tree. They will evaluate whether the families do indeed represent the same persons. They will then will be enabled to resolve any discrepancies between them by copying data events notes and sources between the trees as required
The matching algorithms used in this tree 2 tree matching and in the Possible Duplicates flow are already pretty advanced and continually being improved. They can be tuned to show varying levels of match confidence based on user and business needs. Ultimately users will need to determine if a matched person is really the same real historical person or not.0 -
Currently, the Family Tree is being deluged with millions of names from record extraction projects. This is another reason people are bailing from using the Family Tree. I hope you are right about the duplicate flow from additional CET.
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Would this tree-2-tree work like it does in the Genealogies section, where you are looking at a single individual and comparing the information in both trees on just that one person?
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It will likely work similar to how SourceLinker works today. It will align the target individual, as well as that person's spouse, parents, children with the corresponding persons in both trees. It will allow you to see and evaluate all the sources that are present on the persons in both trees. It will allow you to copy over persons, sources and vital data from the other tree into your tree. It will place a reference on the persons copied so that you will know where they came from (the other tree).
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Ann, James,
I expect that within the next week or so we'll be ready with our user experience designs to get some direct user guidance on our designs. If you are willing, I'll reach out to each of you and arrange video conferences to show what we have.-Robert
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Yes, we are happy to help. Next week is Thanksgiving so probably earlier in the week would work.
James and Ann
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Thanks for the willingness. I spoke with our UX designer and, like many next week will be a vacation week. We'll plan on arranging something for the week following .