Translation Request - Marriage Emil Milbradt & Karolina Siewer, no.10, 1870, Konin
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Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 10, Konin, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, dated the 5th February 1888 (not 1870), of Emil Milbradt, a widower after the death of Emilia Milbradt, born Milas, who died in Bielawy on the 14th April 1887, he is a landowner living in Bielawy, where he was born, son of Karl Milbradt, a landowner, and of his wife, Karolina, born Schmidt, 27 years old, he is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, and of a maiden Karolina Siewert, living with her parents in Pietrowo, she was born in Swience, daughter of Gotfried Siewert, a landowner and of his wife, Daria, born Fitz, she is 18 years old and of Evangelical-Augsburg faith. This marriage was preceded by three marriage banns published in Konin, Evangelical-Augsburg Church. No impediment was detected. No prenuptial agreement was entered. Witnesses: Wilhelm Krause, 36 years old, living in Zarzyn, and Krzysztof Behnke, 26 years old, living in Bielawy, both landowners. Signatures of Wilhelm Krause and of Emil Milbrant.