translation request Death Juliusz Ziegler
Translation request Death Juliusz Ziegler Parafii Ewangelicko-Augsburskiej św. Mateusza w Łodzi
1930, Certificate #140 Lodz, Evang
Translated from Polish:
Death Record No. 140, Lodz, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, Sw. Mateusza, of Juliusz Wilhelm Ziegler, who died in Lodz on the 21st August 1930, death reported on the 22nd August 1930, he lived 62 years, he was a clerk, permanent resident of town Dabie, born in Dabie, son of Wilhelm and Wilhelmina, born Reich, married couple Ziegler, both deceased. At death he left widowed wife, Emilia, born Kunkel. Death reported by Ryszard Ziegler, a correspondent, 29 years old, from Borowieckie (?), and Teodor Ziegler, a clerk, 23 years old, from Lodz. Signatures of R. Zhüegler (?) and Teodor Zhüegler.
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