Looking for expertise knowledge of forced labor camps
Hello everybody 👋🏻,
I have working endlessly to figure out the my grandfathers story. He never spoke a word of his life in Poland, growing up during the war, his family, the military or his time in the labour camp. Thanks to a lot of good people online, and 1000s of hours of research, I now know his entire family, many of ancestors and I would say a good portion of his endeavours. Though I am struggling to piece together his history in the labour camps.
I have his ex prisoner of war identity card, and have recently found a German transportation record. He grew up in Lwow, his ex pow ID is vague, next to labour camp it says, “Troppau-Lipsk”. Troppau(opava) in Czech, had only 3 labour camps, and only one for Catholic Polish citizens(feeling relatively safe to assume that’s where we would have been). Lipsk(Leipzig) on the other hand had 100s of camps. Now the German transport card, says “k-werk Lueg Lemberg ” and “A-A Troppau”. Stating he is transferring to Troppau May25 1945.
I have found some information on the history of the Lueg company factory in Lemberg, it was dismantled may of 1945 and moving to Krakow and Troppau, so that all lines up perfectly with my records. Now This is where my problems come into play.
None of the labour camps in Troppau seem to have anything to do with the Lueg company. And his transfer record say he’s going to do agricultural work. And after that I have found nothing more, next to nothing on the Troppau camps, and no idea when he went to Leipzig or where, or what camp he arrived at. Or how he got there. Or when he was released. I am hoping somebody might know something more specific about the journey he took and could shed some light for me, or even be able to point me toward somebody for hire that specializes in this subject. I’ve attached all supporting documents.
Have you searched the online archives and/or submitted an inquiry at Arolsen Archives?
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I did! About 4 months ago. I know they will eventually get back to me I’m just impatient and want to figure it out
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4 months seems like a long time. My inquiries never took longer than 2 months. Check you spam folder, and follow up with them?
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they said they are having much longer then usual wait times unfortunately they are very backed up