Help w/ Village names

There are two village names in Kujawsko-Pomorskie that I'm unfamiliar with and would appreciate any help identifying.
Bernard Sasadzki, entry #24:
Frank Zasadzki (the groom), you may have to use the arrows to navigate to document #4:
Hello Emilia,
I belive entry #24 for Bernard Sasadzki is referring to Dusocin (Dossoczyn).
The town is 4km NNE from the Mokre Parish church: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny (Katholische Kirche Mockrau).
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Hi Emilia,
For Frank, it looks like he was living in "Burg Belchau" which would be Białochowo in Polish, and was born in what looks like "Tarschnitz" in the Kreis of Graudenz, but I cannot seem to find Tarschnitz or Tarschwitz anywhere.
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Thank you for transcribing the village for me!
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It looked something like that to me too. I'll have to dig further to find more. Thank you!