translation request Birth Anna Karolina Ludwik(g)/parents Samuel/Anny Renata
Anna Karolina Ludwik
1824 Dabie, Evang.
Scan #20, Certificate #63
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 63, Scan No. 20 of 81, Dabie, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, Civil Records Office, of Anna Karolina Ludwik, born in Dabie on the 10th April 1824, birth reported on the 11th April 1824, daughter of Samuel Ludwik, 28 years old, a clothier, resident of town Dabie, and of his wife, Anna Rynasta (?), 21 years old. Witnesses: Daniel Gottlieb Hoffman, 43 years old, and Jan Gottlieb Züglier, 30 years old, citizens residing in Dabie, neighbors.
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