Phrase in 1675 Alsace marriage record for pregnant bride
Help please with correcting the wording and meaning in the bolded phrase -- I couldn't find these in various dictionaries. Thanks!
:Donnerstages den 11 9bris wurde Jacob Roth, Simon Rothen des Wagners hinderlaßener Sohn Und Eva, Lorentz Erby Toch[t]er, U. der beotständ bey ?reine? scharsen erinnerg, weil[en] die braut bereits schwanger war, Copulirt.
:Year 1675 [above on the same page]
:On Thursday, the 11 February, Jacob Roth, surviving son of Simon Roth, the Wagner, and Eva, Lorentz Erby's daughter, were married ?? ... because the bride was already pregnant.
Note: Marriage date given as Thursday 11 Nov 1675 according to the Julian calendar, which would be 21 Nov 1675 in the Gregorian calendar (according to
Source: Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Lampertheim - Registres Paroissiaux (Avant 1793) - Paroisse protestante et catholique (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes mariages sépultures 1634-1680 - 3 E 256/2;; Image 14 of 91
Beste Antwort
My additions/edits to the transcription and the translation in bold:
:Donnerstages den 11 9bris wurde Jacob Roth, Simon Rothen des Wagners hinderlaßener Sohn Und Eva, Lorentz Erben Toch[t]er, in(?) der betstund bey einer scharfen erinnerung, weil die braut bereits hoch schwanger war, Copulirt.
On Thursday, the 11 November, Jacob Roth, surviving son of Simon Roth, the cartwright, and Eva, Lorentz Erb(e)'s daughter, were married in the prayer meeting with a sharp admonition. because the bride was already highly pregnant.
@Ulrich Neitzel : Thanks! (Apologies, I had copied an incomplete version of the draft transcription and translation!)