Records for the villiage of Tokmak (Taurida)
Looking for civil (census/tax) and Jewish (Birth\Marriage\Death) records for this small town circa 1860-1920. There is a Bolshoi Tokmak, but my GGF was from the smaller Tokmak.
I do have the assistance of a native Russian speaker, so finding raw records would be ok, but I am not finding much.
Are there FamilySearch records that are only searched if I go to that specific catalog? A general search using Tokmak as a place of residence is not very frutiful. I have seen some meta data of records translated on the JewishGen site, but the location and timeframe I am interested in do not seem to be available for indexed search or even viewing of raw images.
Since I do not believe Tokmak had much of a Jewish populaton at that time, would all of their records be administered via civil or even churches?? Findina a census for the 1900-1912 time period that would include the smaller Tokmak would be ideal. Does such a record exist? The only census records for the area I am finding are from 1858
FYI, I am looking for the surnames Ptashka\Ptashkin, Hoffman, and Laskow who seemed to all travel between Pinsk and Tokmak (and Melitipol and Baku) during the period of 1860-1920.
Any pointers on finding additional resources would be appreciated.
Have you looked at what is available in the catalog for Taurida or in the Russian Empire Genealogy Wiki pages such as census?