Name Clarification
The name given on this indexed birth record states , En Handsson Larsen. This is a twin to her brother Lars Christian Ferdinand Larson both born Feb 15 1865 in Jorlose, Skippinge, Holbaek. Parents Rasmus Larsen and Ellen Cathrine Christiansdatter. I don't believe this her name but unsure due to the quality of the image. Can anyone identify this?
There is no name in the name column. The information reads "hos mandkjøn No. 1 = with the males No.1".
So, there is not a girl born to these parents on this date. Possibly what happened is the clerk started writing in the wrong book and realized it when he went to write in the name. Rather than cross out the entry (as is done in some others in this book) he just noted to look at the first entry in the book for the boys.
There is a better image of this record in the Danish archives here:,78038597.