Akt Znania - Andrzej Powroz, Szadek, 1825 (3 of 3)
Third page of Andrzej Powroz’s Akt znania.
Thank you and best regards,
(3 of 3)
Signed on behalf of the illiterate
xxx Blazej Abratkiewicz
xxx Wojciech Wieczorek
The validity of the signatures and testimony, the official seal and handwritten signature, I certify on
10 February 1825,
on behalf of the Mayor
I deem this record sufficient?
Szadek 10 Februray 1825
Kobytski Notary
Substitute prosecutor
Court of Peace
County of Szadek
The preceding record is deemed sufficient by the notary, acting on behalf of the deputy royal prosecutor and confirms its use for the pursuit of Andrzej Powroz’s interests …?
? Pawel Rojek ?
Zespół: 1691d / Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Szadku
Jednostka: 7000 / A-1808-1829
Katalog: Aneksy
Lata: 1825
Image 58
(3 of 3)
Signed on behalf of illiterate
xxx Blazej Abratkiewicz
xxx Wojciech Wieczorek
I certify the validity of the signatures and testimonies with the official seal and handwritten signature on the 10th February 1825,
on behalf of Mayor Gustowski
I deem this record acceptable
Szadek the 10th February 1825
Kobyłski, Notary
Deputy Prosecutor
Court of Peace
County of Szadek
The above Affidavit of Identity is deemed acceptable by the Notary, Deputy Royal Prosecutor, who approves its further use by the client, Andrzej Powroz, by sealing it with the Court Stamp, Szadek, the 10th February 1825.
Petitioner Pawel Rojek, P.S.a…
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Thank you again!!!