Translation needed for note added to marriage page
The marriage of Reinhold Krause and Karolina Schultz is recorded as #2, in Zdunska Wola, Lodzkie, Poland (Ewang. parish) in 1914. A note & stamps (that look Nazi) seem to be attached to that entry. It was not added to the first entry in the book which was on the first page inside the book cover. No other entries or pages in the book have this note or these stamps. I can't make out what language the note uses. Is it meant to refer to the entire book or to this marriage specifically? I found the skan on, looking for Reinhold Krause. Two pictures are attached here.
Thank you for any help you can give,
Sue Luchs
@sluchs The links above are broken. Would you please post again and make sure they work. Also, if an image could be posted, that would be great!! Thank you.
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Hi Sue,
I was able to find this marriage record in Geneteka, Zdunska Wola, the record is in Russian, but the part of the attached page with handwritten text is in German. You will need to contact someone who can help you with German translation.
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Maria Eppich, Thank you for looking at it. The photo of the note was automatically banned from the FHL community site because it violates what is acceptable. I assume that means it is a later Nazi addendum, and I feel very badly having attached it. In fact, I was horrified and would never have chosen to send it. I just wanted to know if it is about the people listed in that marriage record of my husband's great uncle, or whether it was referring to all the records in that parish book. I have an acquaintance who may be able to help with the German.
I'm sorry to bother you with it, but thank you for looking.
Sue Luchs
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Are you a member of the Germany Group?