Translation request from Swedish to English
The record is actually in German. Here is the transcription:
Volonteur Johan Joachim Schieblers Söhnl. ist gebohren d[en] 25: May und hat die heil[ige] Taufe empfangen d[en] 27: dito des nachmttags umb 2 Uhr in unser teutschen Kirchen, allwo ihm der Nahme ist Johan Friedrich beygeleget worden. deßen Gevattern wahren Johan Friedrich Wellner volont: Christoffer Schultz. frauenspersohn Christina Schultz et Britta Schultz.
and the translation:
A little son of Volonteer Johan Joachim Schiebler was born on May 25 and was baptized on May 27 at 2 p.m. in our German church, where he was given the name Johan Friedrich. His godfathers were Johan Friedrich Wellner and volont: Christoffer Schultz. Female persons Christina Schultz and Britta Schultz.
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Thank you so much! So the mother's name doesn't appear to be mentioned then. Interesting.
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And I've found a lot of German records under these names. I'm wondering if these names even belong in my tree. They should be Swedish.