Requesting Reading and Translation Assistance
Hi Jan (or Betseylee),
How are you? Could you assist me with reading and translating information about the groom in this record? I can see that his name is Jozef. It looks as though he is from Pištín, his father's name appears to be Vavrinec and his mother, Marie. I would appreciate it if you could confirm this and add anything else to aid in my research.
Thank you and have a good day.
Jozef Charwát sedlák z Pisstina N13 wlastny (legitimate) zletilý (adult) sin (son) + Wawřince Charwáta sedláka w Pisstíne N13 a matky Marye, rozené Jakess (Jakeš) též z Pisstina N11, panstvi Hluboká