translate information about crossed off name

Can you tell me if the son Jan is part of this family. why the name is crossed off. the words written next to his name. thank you.
Jan was definitely a son of Bengt Kindahl and Ingrid Jönsdotter (the word "son" is written above his name). He is 6 years old when this record begins (1793) and it says he was born in Törnev(alla). The reason his name is crossed out is that he dies (although, the record doesn't say that). His death record is here: He is the second entry on the right-hand page. His name is Jaen Bengtsson and he dies 3 March 1795 of "blodstörtning", which is "severe or sudden bleeding" according to the Swedish Word List (see here:
Jaen is 8 years 9 months and 5 days old when he dies. He was buried the 15th of March so his birthdate calculates to be 26 May 1786. His birth record is here (left-hand page, bottom entry): His parents are Bengt Kindal and Ingrid Jönsdotter. He was born 26 May 1786 and christened 28 May 1786.
Concerning the words written before his name, it looks like "heta Pär" but can't figure what that means. Nor am I able to tell what is written after his name. It looks like "Kindsom", but I don't know what it means. I looked through over 100 pages in the Household Examination Book and didn't see either one written again.
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To answer your basic question: Yes, the word "son" is written above Jan's name.
Usually when the name is crossed out, that person either moved or died. Always look at the line the person is listed on from left to far right. Sometimes when the child dies a young date, the parishoner lists the death date on the child's birth and christening record. However, this parishoner did not.
In later years, the Clerical Survey ledgers usually included a column for "Move In" and Move Out", and a reference to a place or page and a date.
Also in later years the Clerical Surveys included a "Död" column for the death date. This Clerical Survey predates these columns. However, I did find the Birth and Christening Record for () Jan, and posted it to this response.
The next place to look for Jan would be in the next set of Clerical Surveys. If the person is not listed there, then I would check the death records between the last time the person was listed on a Clerical Survey, and the beginning year date of the next Clerical Survey. In this instance, Jan was last listed on the 1793-1806 in 1801. He is not listed in the 1801-1810 Clerical Survey.
always peruse the margins for any references to your family member. Parishoners wrote notes whenever there was time.
Always peruse the margins (above) for any references to your family member. Parishoners wrote notes whenever there was time.
This birth record below is for a Jäens Bengtsson. I did note several first names in these records listing Jäens. Could this be a variation of Jon?
Clerical Survey below does not list Jan. However, place is identified as Bjar
xxxand Gatan.I did find a death and burial record for Petrus, son of Bengt Kindals of Gatan in 1793.
This is my first attempt to respond in Community. The response for Norm Baker is fantastic. His answers are right on. Enjoy you endeavor.
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@Norm Baker, @GloriaHorrellKendallUdy Thank you so much for these answers and this teaching experience which benefits even the casual browsers.