Could someone help translate a marriage record in Dobel Wurttemberg 1726
The record attached is a marriage of Michael Kneller & Anna Catharina daughter of Andreas Gat? I need more information especially on the bride section. I'm not clear what her surname is, where she is from or if there's extra info that might be helpful in her section of the marriage record.
I've circled their marriage on the page. Thanks for whatever help you're able to give.
Best regards,
Sind als frühe Beyschläfer nach der Betstund miteinander copulirt worden Johann Michael Knoeller, Mattheiß Knoellers ____ zu Neusalz? ehelicher Sohn, und Anna Catharina, Andreas Gatb__ums eines Bedaschenbrenners? ehelich ledige Tochter. NB:. war Rel. pontif. addict: um deß Kerls(?) willen aber damit Er sie nicht laßen möchte hat sie unßere Religion angenommen.
Johann Michael Knoeller, legitimate son of Mattheiss Knoeller from Neusalz?, and Anna Catharina, legitimate unmarried daughter of Andreas Gatb__um, a ___?, were married after the prayer hour as early cohabitants. Note: was Rel. pontif. addict: but for the sake of the man so that he would not want to let her go she has accepted our religion.
There are some parts which are difficult to read or understand. The occupations of the fathers are not fully clear to me. Johann MIchael Knoeller could be a Beker (baker), but there seems to be one letter before. Andreas (can't fully read his family name) is a Bed?aschenbrenner. Aschenbrenner (or Pottaschenbrenner) is an ash burner or potash burner (
The note seems to indicate that the bride original were of another faith (catholic?) but changed it for the purpose of marriage. The couple had apparently premarital intercourse and was married privately (after the prayer hour).
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Thank you very much! This is extremely helpful to me. I really appreciate your work on this.
Best regards,