Need help to read a very short record.
Beste Antwort
Marcinkowo Gorne. Anno 1817 die 2 Februarij Ego qui supra beptizavi infantem nomina Rozaliam filiam natam die 25 Jabuarii a.c. mane hora sexta Parentes laboriosorum Petri et Eleonora de Rytter Mantejow Legitimorum Conjugum. Patrini fuerunt Crystophorus Sommerfeld et Elizabeth Mantey de eodem villa.
Marcinkowo Gorne. In the year 1817, on the 2nd of February, I, same as above, baptized a child named Rozalia, a daughter, born on the 25th of January of the current year at six o'clock in the morning. Parents are the working people Peter and Eleonora née Rytter Mantejow, legitimate spouses. The sponsors were Christoph Sommerfeld and Elizabeth Mantey of the same town.
Oh thank you so much! Wow! That is so helpful. I have a Sommerfeld line and I wonder if this Christoph might connect to my Sommerfeld line. Thank you so much! That was so kind of you to take all the time to type that out for me. Bless you! This gives me so much help. Thank you!