Translation Request : Marriage Record
Here's the translation -
No. 355
Berlin, 3 July 1876
Before the undersigned civil registrar appeared today for the purpose of marriage:
1 Gottfried Niebisch, laborer, recognized on the basis of his baptism certificate, Protestant religion, born on 4 December 1849 in Bankwitz, Kreis Namslau, living in Berlin at Mรถckern-Strasse 92, son of the deceased laborer from Bankwitz Gottfried Niebisch and his wife Susanna nee Weiss, living in Bankwitz, and
2 Henriette Wilhelmine Alberte Albrecht, former nanny, recognized on the basis of his baptism certificate, Protestant religion, born on 17 March 1844, in Birkholz Kreis Dramburg, living in Berlin at Mรถckern-Strasse 92, daughter of the mason Carl Albrecht and his wife Luise nee Freitag, both deceased and last residing in Dramburg
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The following were called and appeared as witnesses:
3 The freighter Paul Strzelinski, recognized on the basis of police concession, 24 years old, living in Berlin at Mรถckern-Strasse 93,
4 The married laborer Preis, Auguste nee Kernth, recognized on the basis of her baptism certificate, living in Berlin at Mรถckern-Strasse 93,
In the presence of the witnesses, the civil registrar asked the engaged couple singly and one after the other this question:
Do they declare that they want to be married to each other.
The engaged couple answered this question affirmatively, and followed thereon the statement of the civil registrar that, by the power of the law, he now declared them to be a legally joined married couple.
Read, approved, and signed (and) because Mrs. Niebisch cannot write, her signature is denoted by her sign, the others have signed [themselves].
signed: Gottfried Niebisch xxx
signed: Auguste Preis nee Kernth
signed: Paul Strzelinski
The civil registrar
signed: v. Erichsen
The concordance with the main register is certified.
Berlin, 3 July 1876
The civil registrar
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Thank you