Translation Request
Hello, I am working on what I believe is my great-grandfather's baptismal record. I have translated everything I can from researching the other resources. My goal is to confirm the parents and grandparents of Josef Rydl. And also confirm the dates. I'm also curious who the person referenced is in the rightmost column...I believe the name is Barbora Rydl. It would be most appreciated if someone could confirm what I have entered in red type. The handwriting is very hard to read and I do not speak Czech.
Please feel free to make any necessary changes.
First column:
Dne 1. března narozen a 2 pokřtěn od Ant. Hrušky kapl.
Born on 1 Mar baptized on 2 Mar by chaplain Ant.(onín) Hruška
Second column - correct
Third column:
František Rýdl, katolík, sedlák, manželský syn zemřelého Františka Rýdla, wejminkáře ze Sněta č. 1 a jeho manželky Kateřiny rodem Bíla? z Bezděkova č. 5 obou okresu Dolno Králowic.
František Rýdl, catholic, farmer, legitimate son of František Rýdl from Sněta (house) no. 1 and his wife Kateřina by birth Bíla(?) from Bezděkov (house) no. 5 both (Sněta and Bezděko) in Dolní Kralovice district.
Fourth column:
Joszfa, katolička, manželská dcera Josefa Bajra, sedláka z Jeníkowa č. 4 a jeho manželky Kateřiny rodem Týra(?) reč. Pýra z Bukowé č. 13 okres Mladá Wožice
Jozefa, catholic, legitimate daughter of Josef Bajra, farmer from Jeníkov (house) no. 4 and his wife Kaneřina by birt Týra(?) also known as Pýra from Buková (house) no. 13 in Mladá Vožice district
Fifth column:
Josef Rýdl, +++Anna, manželka Františka Dvořáka z Čerinčího č. 15 půlníka
(Godparents) Josef Rýdl, Anna (illiterate) wife of František Dvořák from Čerinčí (house) no. 15 owner of half lane
Sixth column:
Barbora Rýdl ze Zahrádky č. 16 zkoušená
(midwife) Barbora Rýdl from Zahrádka (house) no. 16 tested
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Hello Josef,
Thank you so much for your translation and help with this document!!! This is truly amazing as I have been working on this for months. You are definitely a God-send!!
Ted Ridl
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Go to the source list on the Czechia main page and you will find many helps for you to interpret the records.