Translation of Finnish Birth Record
Here I am again with another request for assistance. I think I got a good bit of it, although please double check me because my interpretation of the handwriting is questionable and leaving some confusion. I left blank spots for the words/abbrevs that I just couldn't make out.
"This is for Matthias Johansson born 4 Mar 1796 in Jalasjarvi.
Matthias dopt på föngd 5 Dito aft ___ Skräddaren Johan Johansson och ___ Clara Henricsdotter barn fadder nämndemannen Matts Koskilambi med ___ Helena Nilsdotter. Torp Michel Josephsson med --- Susanna Henrichsdotter Koskilambi, Nils Mattsson, Ung. Anders Anderson, samt piga Susanna Ersdotter Jungfru: Christina ___"
Before the female's names is what appears to be "go" or "qo" but I am not sure what that means. I had thought "qo" might have something to do with kvinna.
If I am right about the first three words, then the child was baptized in a prison? Either that is a debtor's prison or I am way off.
You did very well with the transcription! Some minor edits below in bold:
Matthias döpt på förgd [förgående] 5 Dito af ___ Skräddaren Johan Johanssons och h_ [hustru] Clara Henricsdotters barn, faddr. nämndemannen Matts Koskilambi med h_ Helena Nilsdotter. Torp Michel Josephsson med h_ Susanna Henricsdotter Koskilambi, Nils Mattsson, Ung. Anders Anderson, samt piga Susanna Ersdotter Jungfru: Christina ___"
Unfortunately the image clip does not show the context of the record, so it is not possible to see what exactly the dates of birth and baptism are. I believe that "på Förg. 5 Dito" (on the previous 5th of the same) is the specification of the date of baptism. The abbreviation before the female's names which looks like "ho" means hustru = wife.
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@Ulrich Neitzel thank you so much for the help.
These abbreviations slow me down. Thank you, though, for getting Matthias out of jail by straightening out my transcription. lol
A couple of questions:
fadd[e]r nämndemannen - I'm thinking this means godfather, but when I try to verify it with google translate, it gives me interpretations like "ask the jury." I know google translate is not always reliable.
Also before Skräddaren there are what looks like two letter, EC. or EL. Do you know what this means? I'll add a clearer picture from another entry in the book.
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Hello Virginia,
you are correct that the abbreviation faddr. refers to the godparents; actually it is the abbreviation for faddrar, the plural form of fadder.
nämdemannen is a title meaning "lay judge or juryman".
The letters in the first line ("af E:L:) are probably the initials of the baptizing pastor.
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@Ulrich Neitzel thank you so much! You have been a big help!
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The Hiski website has a list of priests and other parish officers for each parish. Your birth/christening record is in Jalasjärvi in 1796, so if you check Hiski you can see that the "kappalainen - assistant minister" during that time was Elias Gabrielisson Lagus (initials E.L.) so @Ulrich Neitzel is correct!
See here for the list:
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@Norm Baker , thank you so much for the link. That helps out a lot.