Franz Fischer Austrian Empire Service Record - translation help
I am having difficulty reading my 3GG Aunt's service record. Can someone please check my interpretations of the wordings:
At the top of the card is heft=notebook and seite=page
Name and surname: Franz Fischer
District: Tanvald
County: Bunzlau/MLADÁ BOLESLAV
Land: Bohemia
Religion: Catholic
Status: single
Profession: Shoemaker
Zugewachsen means accrual? From German Zuwachs. Don't know how to interpret that, but after it says: at 24 April 1857...BEIM....... he is with the regiment for 8 years (HANDGAB AUF 8 JAHRE ASSERTIERT). I cannot read the regiment - PROBABLY 3RD.
Personal description section is empty
At the bottom Nachgefolgte (subsequent) pay received in July 1857, transferred April 30, 1859 to the 3 first field ba(taill)ons / 5 fl (guilders) from the 4th Feldba(taill)on (battalion),
I cannot read the Beranderung - TRANSFERIERT
Thank you, from Dr. Randy Fisher, Florida
@Dr. Randy Fisher I've had a look; you´re quite good, my compliments.
At the top of the card is heft=issue and Grundbuchsseite=page = It's Issue No. 45 (3/41 – not sure what this refers to exactly, it may be a certain part of that issue) in Land Register Book No 196, page 5)
Name and surname: Franz Fischer
Geburtsjahr/Year of Birth: 1836
District: Tanwald (Today's Tanvald)
Religion: Catholic
County: Bunzlau/MLADÁ BOLESLAV
Status: single
Land: Bohemia
Profession: Shoemaker
Zugewachsen means accrual? From German Zuwachs. Don't know how to interpret that,
In this case, 'zugewachsen' means 'recruited'.
but after it says: am 24ten April 1857 beim diesseitigem Regte (abbrev. Regiment) 8fl Handgeld auf 8 Jahre assentiert
he is with the regiment for 8 years (HANDGAB AUF 8 JAHRE ASSENTIERT). I cannot read the regiment - PROBABLY 3RD. 8fl = 8 florin
Personal description section is empty
At the bottom Nachgefolgte (subsequent) pay received in July 1857, transferred April 30, 1859 to the 3 first field ba(taill)ons / 5 fl (guilders) from the 4th Feldba(taill)on (battalion),