Translate bride information of Sidse Marie Pedersdatter
@LishSusanK , it always helps to have a link to the record, so I located it online:,78502101
The bride's column says "og Fruentimmeret Sidse Marie paa Skousgaard 22 Aar," meaning "and the woman* Sidse Marie of Skousgaard [Skovsgaard**], age 22."
*Fruentimmer has changed meanings over time; it has meant woman or unmarried woman and later became a derogative term for a woman (see Since the other brides on the page and surrounding pages are listed as "Pigen" (the [unmarried] girl, including one who was 52), "Enken" (the widow), or "Fruentimmeret," "Fruentimmeret" at this time may have meant a woman who had had an illegitimate child.
**Skousgaard is an alternate spelling of Skovsgaard, which shows us is a place within this same parish of Kirkerup.
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