Translation help of Marriage Record
26 December 1797 marriage of widow Jonas Berggren of Äugstugan to widow Kerstin Andersdotter. Please help me with what the rest of the record says.
Skomakaren Nils Lindberg och Enkan Maria Johansdotter i Leby ö.g. Barnen lagligt afwittrade.
The shoemaker Nils Lindberg and the widow Maria Johansdotter in Leby ö(stra?) g(ård?). The children are legally "satisfied".
Comment: afwittra/afvittra according to SAOB (
genom afskiljande af arfvedel tillfredsställa o. utlösa (barn l. annan arfvinge). Afvittra sina barn.
Translation: through separation of inheritance satisfy and release (children and other heirs).
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The translation I need for entry 19 on the bottom of the left hand page.
Thanks for translating the other record though
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Oops, sorry. Here comes the correct one (hopefully):
Målaren Enklingen Jonas Berggren i Ängstugan och Enkan Kerstin Andersdotter därsammastädes. Behöriga afwittrings bewis å båda fäder upteddes.
The painter widower Jonas Berggren in Ängstugan and the widow Kerstin Andersdotter there. Appropriate evidence of [inheritance] separation for both fathers were produced.
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@Ulrich Neitzel That is the correct one! Thank you.
Here is what I am trying to figure out. Jonas Berggren was married to Anna Greta Lundell. Anna Greta dies in 1797 and I have records for that. Jonas then married Kerstin Andersdotter in 1797. They are both widows and have children from their previous marriages.
Here is the clerical record which shows Jonas Berggren with several of his sons and a grandson with Kerstin's son Jonas, born in 1786.
Here is the clerical record which shows Anna Greta Lundell with who I believe is their daughter though the birth records gives patronymic names not the proper last names seen other records. It also shows Kerstin Andersdotter with her daughters from her marriage to Jonas Berggren.
I am trying to find the record for Kerstin's 1st husband. Here is the birth record for their son Jonas, born 25 August 1786. I can't seem to figure out the farm where Jonas was born.
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The place is "Oxhagen".
Julita kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/ULA/10497/A I/1 a (1783-1794) [Men only]
åbo Jonas Jonsson. Född 1755. Kom ifrån Boda 1784.
Son: Jonas Jonsson. Född 25/8 1786.
Source (bild 153/ sida 141):
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@Niels Just Rasmussen Thanks for helping me get on the correct path.
I am now trying to find Jonas Jonsson, born 1755, death record. They only one I can find that seems to fit is this one. 15 November 1787. I can't read what is says about his death and it doesn't seem to say how old he was.
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Says "drängen Jonas Jonsson från Getbotorp....."
Julita kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/ULA/10497/A I/1 a (1783-1794):
Jonas Jonsson. Född 1762. Kom ifrån Näshult(e?) 1787 [So not the correct one]
Source (bild 64/ sida 53):
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@Niels Just Rasmussen Ok. I will keep looking. The last place I see him is in Oxhagen about 1788-1789