Translation Help - What is the farm name on birth record

Greta Lisa was born 11 July 1783. I believe her parents are listed as Bertil Nilsson and Anna Erichsdotter. I think the farm in Gimmersta but I can't find them in the household books. This area has one book for males and one book for females.
Gårdsfogde Bertil Nilsson is here:
(Julita kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/ULA/10497/A I/1 a (1783-1794), bildid: C0006777_00167, sida 157)
The pages for the females start here:
(Julita kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/ULA/10497/A I/1 b (1783-1794), bildid: C0006778_00253, sida 239)
However, it is quite difficult to read because of the strikethroughs. I didn't find Anna Erichsdotter yet. She should be much younger than Bertil Nilsson (b. 1720)
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@Ulrich Neitzel ok. Bertil Nilsson is shown as dying 12 December 1784. The age on the death record would have put him born in 1714 and not 1720 but the farm in the same.
I am trying to figure out where to go from here. I don't have a marriage record for Bertil and Anna. I do have a possible household record for Anna and Greta Lisa in 1792. Anna is marrying Eric Persson of Olofstorp.
Here is the marriage record for Eric Persson and Anna Ericsdotter on 26 December 1792
Anna is shown as being from Olofstorp on the marriage record but I don't find her listed before the marriage. So where is she from 1783-1792? When did she marry Bertil?
Anna dies 9 July 1804.
Do you have any advice of where I should go from here? I have been hesitant to say this Bertil is Anna's husband and complete this connection without at least a marriage record.
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@Ulrich Neitzel I got thinking that maybe I wasn't going back far enough for to find their marriage record. Am I on the correct track?
Possible marriage record for Bertil Nilsson and Annicka Ericsdotter - September 1773
Possible other children
22 July 1775
31 September 1776
22 July 1780
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Yes, this seems to be the same couple - although the husband here is called Bertil Dalström. But he has also the title "Fogde på Gimmersta".
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@Ulrich Neitzel I can see how it is Dalström now that you point that out. I think I got focused on Bertil since it isn't a common name in this area.
I got the records correct for this couple but it isn't the couple I was looking for correct?
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It can still be the correct couple - maybe Bertil had a "proper" surname in addition to his patronym Nilsson. Actually I found this tree stump on the internet:
If you click on Bertil you see also two of the other children listed there. The first one, born 1775, died obviously shortly after.
Here is Annika's birth record: (21 Oct 1750)
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@Ulrich Neitzel What an amazing website! I will take a closer look at it.
What does the birth record for 22 July 1775 say? It does have the full information which makes me think the child was born still born.
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What does the birth record for 22 July 1775 say? It does have the full information which makes me think the child was born still born.
Transcription: 22. Jul e.d. Fogd. Bertil Dalströms Barn. nöd[d]op- Pilt
Translation: [born] 22 July [baptized] same day Child of bailiff Bertil Dalström. Emergency baptism. Boy
Pilt is an old word for a (little) boy, not a name. So the child was baptized but not named. He died 1 hour after birth; here is the death record:
Transcription: Piltbarnet ifrån Stenkulla ok. s. 1 tim
Translation: Boy child from Stenkulla unknown? [cause of death] [age] 1 hour
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@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you!
I am trying to find a way to connect the two last names for Bertil. Since he was a bailiff, which I am assuming means he worked for the courts, would there be a record of him in the court records? I haven't worked with those records yet so I don't know how they work.
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@Ulrich Neitzel I was realizing that all the other records show them living in Stenkulla so I went to see if she was shown there. I believe I found them.
It shows that Anna moved to Västra Vingåkers in 1792. While it does not show her birth year, it does show Greta Lisa and makes that connection. :)
Does this record make a big enough connection that I can I put this family together?
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I am trying to find a way to connect the two last names for Bertil. Since he was a bailiff, which I am assuming means he worked for the courts, would there be a record of him in the court records? I haven't worked with those records yet so I don't know how they work.
Well, bailiff was what DeepL suggested as translation for fogde. Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (The Dictionary of the Swedish Academy) has a long list of meanings for fogde: seek=fogde&pz=1. Bertil is sometimes called gårdsfogde which seems to indicate somebody who manages a gård (larger farm or manor) for the owner, in this case Gimmersta gård (, see also
There may be historic records for such a manorial estate, but I am not aware how to find them.
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@Ulrich Neitzel Any thoughts on my record find on 9 July?
I have been looking into the Manor Records but I haven't found anything yet. It has been interesting to see the things I have found though.
I also email Pär Lindström to see if he has any sources that might be of help but I have not heard anything from him.
As I was looking for Bertil's birth record I kept seeing this word after the name of the child. Spurins or Spuna or other spellings. I don't know what they mean. Do you know what they mean? see 8 April - Lars. More examples are seen on previous pages.
I looked through the records 1714- 1720 and I could not find Bertil's birth record. There was some names that I just didn't know what they were though. Would I be safe in saying that he was born in Sweden? Do I use 1720 as his birth date since that is what is on the clerical survey or do I use 1714 since his death record shows he was 70 years old at the time of his death?
When a child is christened wouldn't he need to have a name to be christened? If that was the case would it be more true to say that the child's name wasn't recorded instead of that he wasn't named?
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Stenkulla record: This seems to be the correct family (after the death of Bertil). It shows the three daughters with their patronym "Bertilsdotter". However the birthdates are different from the birth records; Catharina 30 Aug 1776 instead of 31 Aug; Anna [Chri]Stina 31 June 1780 instead of 22 July 1780; Greta Lisa 17 July 1783 instead of 11 July 1783. Strange!
Bertil could have been born in another parish (or do you have positive confirmation that he was born in Julita, too?). Then it will be difficult to find his birth record. As long as you don't have it you have conflicting information about his birth year (and no birth place) and you should note it as such.
Spurius (male) or Spuria (female) is the Latin word for an illegitimate child. It's a bit strange here because the father is named, but possibly the parents were not married.
"Unnamed child": This is certainly an exception. But a name is neither recorded for the baptism nor in the death record. The baptism was done as an emergency and the child died within an hour after birth. So the baptism was done possibly by the midwife, and maybe nobody was available or able to select a name.
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@Ulrich Neitzel I have no idea where Bertil was born. No records that I have found have stated a parish. Even the website that you gave me the link for doesn't say where it was born. That I why I was thinking of just saying he was born in Sweden since I don't know which parish he was born in. I do have a conflict with the birth year. The Clerical records says 1720 and the death record says he died when he was 70 years old which would put him born in 1714. I don't know which to go with or should I just put it as 1714 or 1720 with a note about the two records.
I folllowed Anna Stina Bertilsdotter to Rombohl and her birth is listed as 21 June 1780.
I don't know where Catharina Bertilsdotter goes though. She is crossed off but doesn't appear with her mother and sister in 1792 when her mother gets remarried. I need to go some more looking for her. I did look through the death records and I didn't find her.
Thank you for the word translation. I must have seen that word 10 times while going through those records and most of the time it showed both parents so it was confusing.
Thank you for your thoughts on the baby boy.