Translation Request Carl Gustaf Peterson and family
They moved to Kalmar Slottsförsamling in 1822 (from Kalmar Stadsförsamling)!
nr 52: ?Ringkarl? Peter Bohman og Ingrid Nilsdotter.
It states he was accused by Södra Mön Häradsrät of breaking the 7th commandment, but was acquitted.
Source (bild 67/ sida 114):
They moved to Kalmar Stadsförsamling in Oktober 1821.
Nr. 86: ?..? Peter Bohman & Hustru Ingrid Nilsdotter.
Source (bild 10/ sida 4):
Move out from Kalmar Stadsförsamling 1822 (to Kalmar Slottsförsamling).
Nr: 175: Peter Bohman & Ingrid Nilsdotter.
Source (bild 647 sida 110):
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You continue to amaze me Niels! I thought there were no records for Carl Gustaf Peterson and your research has added not only information on him but at least 23 other family members. And not just names, but birthdates, christening dates, moving records, explanations and even stories. I feel like I know these people now. I definitely do not have an expressive enough word to thank you for all of your work and all of the years of learning and experience that have gone into your being able to do what you do.
I really appreciate your explanation of the development of surnames in Sweden. It is much more involved than I ever understood. I have cut and pasted that information into a document that I am going to share with others that I know are doing Swedish research.
It took me quite a long time to go through all of your sources and information and try to understand them as best I can. It was wonderful to add all of the names of the children, including the ones that had died. I love to get families attached like that. I wondered about the bottom part of this record. I attached a screenshot to show you the part I am wondering about. I think it says the widow Elin Hofsdotter (?) Maybe Gustaf or Maria's mother? (and the + would indicate that she is deceased?) Then the people listed just below that--Enken, etc. are they part of the family?
I'm impressed that you found so much information on Peter Gustaf Bowman's parents! I was searching myself for his parents' names, but didn't find anything. Obviously, you know where to look and how to look.
You have added so much to my family tree that I am going to claim you as a cousin, whether a pedigree can prove it or not!!!
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Hälleberga kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00152/A I/1 (1747-1780):
Swenstorp. [is listed after Frönestruf]
Per Carlsson. 28 År.
?........? Persdotter. Död: 31. Januar 1749. [A first wife that died?]
hustru: Anna Carlsdotter. 19 År.
Dotter: Anna Persdotter. 1751.
Dotter: Maria Persdotter. 1753 [Mother of Ingrid Nilsdotter 16/2 1792]
Son: Måns Person. 1755.
Source (bild 74/ sida 63):
Hälleberga kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00152/A I/2 (1781-1794).
Swens Torp.
[We have a different family living there now]
Source (bild 457 sida 67):
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Vigd: 8. Juni 1767 i Madesjö.
Båtsman Gustav Major i Däsjömåla [= Däsemåla] och pigan Maria Svensdotter i Spaksmåla.
Source (bild 159/ sida 288):
Född 6. Februar 1743 i Madesjö.
Maria; Sven ?Böriesons? dotter i Spakzmåhla.
Source (bild 152/ sida 278):
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00241/A I/3 (1755-1788):
Sven Bergeson. Född 6. Februar 1715, (+ = Död)
hustru Brita Persdotter. Född 29. September 1716 (+ = Död)
Stina. Född 17. December 1751. Borte.
Ingrid. Född 1740 (+ = Död).
Peter. Född 12. Februar 1741. Borte, Gift.
Maria. Född 6. Februar 1743. Gift. [= Maria Svensdotter, married to Gustav Major]
Karin. Född 4. October 1746. Borte.
2f: Elin. Född 8. April 1755. [Daughter with 2nd wife?]
Source (bild 160/ sida 294):
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Död: 22. Februar 1857 i Westrakulla i Madesjö.
Peter Gustafsson Boman.
Gift. Inhyses i Westrakulla.
Ålder: 70 År.
Source (bild 316/ sida 591, venstre):
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Hälleberga kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00152/A I/10 (1836-1842):
enk. Maria Pehrsdotter. Född 24/4 1753.
Flytter fra Orranäs Säteri til Fattigstugan i 1837.
Source (bild 134/ sida 121):
Död: 8. Januar 1838 i Hälleberga.
Enkan Maria Hägerman i Fattig=Stugan. [= Maria Persdotter; mother to Ingrid Nilsdotter]
[Död] af ålderdom 84 år och 8 1/2 månad gammal. [Fits being born in April 1753]
Source (bild 150/ sida 269):
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That was hard to find the death of Ingrid Nilsdotter; because Vestrakulla changes from Ljungby to Sankt Sigfred!
S:t Sigfrids kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00324/A I/2 (1861-1870):
Peter Bomans enka Ingrid Nilsdotter (fattighjem). Född 16/2 1792 Hälleberga.
Enka 1857.
Död: 28/3 1866.
Source (bild 195/ sida 223):
Död: 28. Marts 1866 i Sankt Sigfrid.
Fattigkjon Ingrid Nilsdotter i Westrakulla.
74 År, 1 Månad, 12 Daga. Enka.
Source (bild 57):
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Hi Maxine.
The widow (= enkan) is "Elin Olofsdotter". Born 9. October 1693.
She is not Maria Svensdotters mother, but could potentially be Gustav Major's mother.
Gustav Major should be born in Linhofda (= Lenhovda församling) in 1736, but unfortunately the church book is incomplete for that year. His father should be an Isak (Isaac probably in older spelling) according to the website of "båtsmän" in Madesjö.
It could be this very last entry (almost unreadable for me)
D. 1. februar 1736 har ?Jönssons? ?..? barn i uti ?..gård? [a place name] wed namn ?..staf?
Second line could be "Gustaf" and the word right after is probably Testes (so the witnesses), where a certain Major Ha...Skytte is one of them [so remember that his name Major comes much later when he is a båtsman].
But the father names seems definitely not to be Isak/Isaac, but rather Jönsson are something like that.
Source (bild 68/ sida 118):
For charity reasons you could take in an old widow, especially if she was a family relation. Elin could be a near or more distant relative.
From the claimed cousin 😁
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Correction it must say "Isac Jönsson" for the father, so it might actually be the correct birth of Gustaf Isaksson Major.
The place name at the 1736 birth must be Nybyggat.
Lenhovda kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00218/A I/2 (1717-1739):
Husförhör 1731-1734. [but no husförhör conducted by the priest after that year]
?Fiarsbrottan? (listed under Säfsio = Sävsjö)
Isac Jönsson.
hustru Elin Pehrsdotter [so an Elin as wife, but NOT an Olofsdotter]
Source (bild 137/ 258):
Lenhovda kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00218/A I/2 (1717-1739):
Husförhör 1724-1730:
Isac Jönsson & hustru Elin appears at this place for the first time in 1729+1730.
Source (bild 91/ 166):
Same page we also have Nybyggat. [Husförhör 1724-1730]
?...? [To fit the father should be a "Jön"/Jöns"]
hustru Maria.
inhyses Kierstin.
s [should be Dotter]: Lena.
d [should be Son]: Isac. Is listed for husförhör in 1727-1728!
inhyses Kierstin. [the same Kierstin as above]
Source (bild 91/ 166):
NB: So it do fit that it is the same Isac both places.
Husforhör 1731-1734.
Pehr Gudmundsson [new husband?]
hustru Maria Jönsdotter. [same wife as above, but with a new husband?]
Son Gudmund.
Son Jön
Dotter: Annicka.
inhyses: Kiersin Svensdotter [probably same Kierstin as above]
Source (bild 138/ sida 260):
Vigd: 11. Maj 1729 i Lenhovda.
Drängen Isac Jönsson og änkan [widow] Elin Pährsdotter i Fiädersbråtsan.
Morgongåfwa 20 Lo[d] Silfver [Morning-gift of 20 "lod" silver from the husband to the wife]
Source ( bild 121/sida 208):
NB. 1 lod silver is 13,16 gram.
The morning gift was a very old old tradition (all the way back to the germanic iron age) where the husband gave the wife a financial present the morning after the wedding night, which became her personal property.
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Dop 29. April 1733 i Lenhovda.
Isac Jönsson og hustru Elin Pährsdotters dotter Elisabeth [Isaksdotter] ?i Fiärsbråtten, född den 22. April [1733].
Source (bild 62/ sida 106, left bottom):
Dop 22. Marts 1730 i Lenhovda.
Isac Jönssons ?..? Elin Pehrsdotters dotter Kirstin [Isaksdotter] i Fiädres bråten.
Source (bild 56/ sida 94):
So before the child (possible Gustaf) born in 1736, they have had 2 daughters.
There is then a hiatus from 1736-1740 with no church entries from Lenhovda.
After it resumes in 1740 I can find no trace of Isac Jönsson......
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Hello Niels my favorite cousin! Thanks again for all of your very meticulous research in behalf of a person you've never met and a family that you have only recently been adopted into :)
Sorry for the lateness of my reply. I had some yard and garden work this weekend that could no longer be ignored and then it has taken me some time to go through the information you have sent (you can tell by the number of views on this thread that I have been back and forth many times reading and recording.)
For a while, I wasn't able to get to the links because the browser I was using said that I didn't have the correct plug ins. I was trying to solve that problem, but then it occurred to me to try a different browser which worked fine and now I am able to see everything you sent and will be able to attach the records to the proper people. Again you have added a lot of new names to my family tree. I am grateful for that and I'm sure all of those people who are now identified and gathered as families in the records are also grateful.
I wanted to say that I loved your explanation of the morning gift and the fact that you included it as a source. What a wonderful custom; I hope that it is still being practiced in Sweden.
All of these explanations that you have given along the way really have created a story of a family for me. I plan to gather all of those ideas and write a story about this part of my Swedish family before long.
Have a wonderful week!
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Hi Maxine!
Feel free to ask in this thread if you have any further question. Good that you are finally able to see the links to the swedish national archives, so you have access to the original texts.
Good plan to make a storyline , so you bring your ancestors more "to life"! It almost makes it easier to remember the vast number of names involved the further one moves back in time.
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Thank you again and again for all of this wonderful research you have done!
I do have another stubborn Swedish line that I would like to work back on a generation or two, but I want to go through all what I have and try to follow some of the research paths that I have learned before I ask for further help.
Hopefully I will talk to you again sometime; you have been so gracious and generous.