Danish Marriage Translation: Bodil Hansdatter and Christen Thorsen 1802
I believe I have found another marriage for Bodil Hansdatter, MKQX-DH6. In the 1801 census she is living on Tametofte in Stokkemarke Parish and is listed as a widow.
The marriage I believe is her shows she is a widow living on Tametofte (farm) and marries Christen Thorsen of Stokkemarke. It is marriage entry #9 in Stokkemarke Parish, image 493 on 15 October 1802.
Can you fill in the rest of the information on this record?
Thank you so much!
Joellen McAlister
Beste Antwort
"D. 11. September [1802] anmeldte ligeledes ungkarl Christen Thorsen af Stokkemarke sit tilkommende ægteskab med enken Bodil Hansdatter af Tametofte ?..?, hvilket de 3 følgende søndage blev aflyst fra Prædikestolen, som forlovere vare nedenskrevne: Thor Larsen, Anders Kaae, begge af Stokkemarke".
Ægteviede den 15. Oktober [1802]
NB: The text you couldn't read is not genealogical important, but just that the intention of marriage was declared the 11th September and then for three consecutive Sundays declared from the pulpit by the priests [called in Danish "Lysning af ægteskabet"] up to the marriage took place the 15th October.
Groomsmen: Thor Larsen, Anders Kaae, begge af Stokkemarke.
Thank you, Niels! I believe Thor Larsen is the father of the groom, but the record doesn't say that. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something!
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Census 1787: Stokkemarke Sogn
Thor Larsen Mand 36 1751 Gift Mand Bonde og Huusmand
Zissel Michelsdatter Kvinde 36 1751 Gift Kone
Christen Thorsen Mand 9 1778 Ugift Deres søn
Source: https://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/cid404662
Census 1801: Stokkemarke Sogn.
Thor Larsen Mand 53 1748 Gift Mand, Jordløs Husmand og Skovfoged
Sidsel Michelsdatter Kvinde 54 1747 Gift Hans kone
Christen Thorsen Mand 23 1778 Ugift Deres barn
Lars Thorsen Mand 13 1788 Ugift Deres barn
Source: https://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/cid1494598
Anders Kaae is a farmer in Stokkemarke.
Census 1801: Stokkemarke Sogn.
Anders Kaae Mand 40 1761 Gift Husbonde Bonde og Gaardbeboer
Inger Nielsdatter Kvinde 54 1747 Gift Hans kone
Karen Andersdatter Kvinde 12 1789 Ugift Deres barn
Anne Tømesdatter Kvinde 56 1745 Enke(mand) Husbondens Stedmoder nyder Ophold paa Stedet
Rasmus Nielsen Mand 22 1779 Ugift Tjenestekarl
Maren Olesdatter Kvinde 19 1782 Tjenestepige
Hans Thomasen Mand 14 1787 Tjenestekarl
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Thank you! You always go the extra mile researching. I'm not sure if Anders Kaae is any relation. I will be able to attach the parents to Christen Thorsen which will help identify him better. However, I don't need to follow his line. His wife, Bodil Hansdatter and her first husband are who I'm trying to follow. You have already given me a lot of help on her first husband, Thomas Clausen that I'm still busy attaching records to.
Thanks, again!