Help filling in the gaps

Lars Larsson was born 8 Feb 1737 in Tösse, Älvsborg to Lars Asmundsson and Sara Andersdotter. This is him with his parents.
Book 1 covers the years 1757-1761. Book 2 starts in 1773. There is a gap in the records.
I think this is him here because on this record his mother Sara Andersdotter, brother Asmund Larsson and sister Sara Larsdotter
I have been trying to find his marriage record to Gerturd Jonsdotter and the birth record for Catharina who was born in 1764. I can not seem to find them. Please help me to find these records so I can see if this is the same person.
Also here is the record where it shows the parish where his wife was born. I did try looking in this parish for a marriage and birth record. I still struggle with the writing so I may have missed it.
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It think it must say "Tisselskog" for Gertrud.
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@Niels Just Rasmussen That is what I read too. I went there to look for a marriage record but I am afraid I could have missed it do to struggling to read clearly the writing.
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I can't find the marriage of Lars Larsson & Gertrud Jonsdotter in Tisselskog either.
So likely they are married in some of the surrounding parishes?!
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The parish Lars was born in and where they are living is in Tösse. Those records are hard to read. I think I have read them correctly and I can't find it there either. I would love to have someone else double check that though.
The daughter, Catharina, is shown as being born in this same parish but I can't find her birth record either.
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I can't find Catharina baptised in Tösse either in around 1764.....
It is perplexing, but you sometimes see people give wrong information (and wrong ages) to the authorities.
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If we take the Husförhör 1781-1791 we can see they move to "Sörgården".
Here we find crossed out:
Lars Larsson. 1737 Tössö
hustru: Gertrud Jonsdotter. 1724 Tiselskog. Död!
dotter: Catharina. 1764 Tössö.
Further down the page we see:
Lars Larsson. 1737 Tössö.
hustru: Annicka Nilsdotter. ?1758? Åm....?
dotter: Sara. 1786. Tössö.
dotter: Catharina. 1764. Tössö.
Source (bild 109/sida99):
NB: Seems likely that Lars Larsson remarried!
Birth of Sara [Larsdotter] is here in Tösse: 13. Januar 1786:
Source (bild18/sida 18, bottom right):
Tösse Husförför 1792-1797 Sörgården
Nils Hansson. 1764 Tydje.
Catharina Larsdotter. 1764 Tösse.
Dotter: Gertrud. 1793 Tydje.
Dotter: Maria. 1797 Tösse.
Source (bild 119/sida 107):
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I am glad it isn't just me. I thought I was doing ok reading them but when I couldn't find her birth record I thought I wasn't reading things correctly. The struggles continue. I think I have found the next record but it shows Lars as dying but I can't find his death record.
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Found their marriage in Tydje kyrkoarkiv!
Den 28. December 1762.
Lars Larsson, Frillsätter & Gertrud Jonsdotter i Hult.
Source (bild71/sida 117):
NB: Hult is in Åminskog Försämling! (around 9 km south-southwest of Tösse).
The 1781-1791 husförhör states he is living in Wistana (or Westana), but I only find one with the correct age in Signerud!
Tydje kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker [which does include burials], SE/GLA/13585/C/3 (1769-1825):
Januarius 1790. Signerud. [no longer living in Wistana/Westana?!]
Gifta man Lars Larsson, död den 4. januarii [1792] af ?....? uti ?Dürkløff?
Begrafven den 10. ejus diem [same month -> Burial 10. January 1790] af herr Abraham Bergman.
53 År gammal. [1790 - 53 = 1737, which fits his age]
Source (bild 113/sida 203):
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I have done the happy dance!! :) This the piece I need to prove Lars Larsson's connection to his parents!!! I am so excited! Given where you found this marriage record it is possible that this is Catharina?
Also on that household record where Lars is shown as dying there is listed a son, Anders. Is the death record just below the one you found the death record for Anders?
I think this is his birth record given the place and name of the father and mother. Although the mother's last name is Andersdotter instead of Nilsdotter.
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Julii. Hult. Larsis och h[ustru] Gertruds dotter [Catharina Larsdotter] född d. 15. och döpt samma dag af Herr. Alsterlöf.
So it really does seem to be her.
NB: There is actually a Hult WITHIN Tydje församling.
The "husförhör" states far to the right, that they relocated from Hult to Friilsäter around 1776-1777?!
Yeah it is very likely their young son!
"Signerud. Barnet Anders Larsson, död den 5. Januarii"....etc.... 1 1/2 År gammal"
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Tösse med Tydje kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13593/A I/1 (1757-1761):
Lars Asmundsson.
hustru Sara Andersdotter.
dotter: Sara ?.......?
dotter: Maria.
son: Lars. 1737 [it could very well be "your" Lars Larsson, as also listed later born in 1737]
son: Asmund. ?....?
son: Peter.
Source (bild 43/sida 14):
NB: Hult does appear as place name in this Hüsförhör.
Tösse med Tydje kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13593/A I/1 (1757-1761):
Jon ?..?rinsson. 1724. Död.
Gertrud Jonsdotter. 1724 [Gertrud Jonsdotter also later listet as born in 1724].
+ 5 children [born from 1748 to 1760]
Source (bild 164/sida 144):
So if we have the right people: Lars Larsson from Frillsäter married the widow Gertrud Jonsdotter from Hult in 1762!
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Is this his death record? Can you make out his full name?
death record of Jons ......
This looks like the birth record of Sven. Child of Jons and Gertrud
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I think it says:
Oktober 1760: Hult. Jon ?Håkansson?
Siukdom vare ?..sot..
Dödde d. 14. og begrafs d. 25.
38 År gammal. [so born around 1722]
Source (bild169/ sida 309):
Yes it must be the birth of their youngest child Sven, born in 1760; the year before Jon ?Håkansson? dies.
Then Gertrud Jonsdotter gets married to Lars Larsson in 1762 and have another child with him.
All the children of Jon & Gertrud must grow up with another part of their family!
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Really again not saving my posts, when I'm trying to help other people find their ancestry!!!
This is getting to a level of irritation, that I never know if the work I do, will be saved or not.
Is it because I provide link to other pages? I find that pretty relevant when doing genealogy, that you can link to other peoples research!
If you get far enough back the chances increases that you connect with another genealogist, that had made all the work already!
..and Bingo: Håkansson was correct because I found this geni-page of their son Olof Håkansson, who became an important part of the local community!
Parents: Jon Håkansson and Gertrud Jonsdotter and the names of his siblings all fit!
Siblings: Halvor (written Halfwor in the husförhör), Anna, Jonas and Sven.
Trying here without the links:
Search for "Nämndeman, kyrkvärd, häradsdom Olof Jonsson" and you will find it.
Off course one always needs to verify this informations yourself with finding proof in the original sources!
NB: This genealogist didn't know that Gertrud Jonsdotter remarried with Lars Larsson in 1762!
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Tösse med Tydje kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13593/C/2 (1717-1755):
Baptism of Jon, Håkon's son and ?Annica?'s son in Hängelserud.
Born the 21. October 1723.
Source (sida 107/ sida 186; right mid):
Sadly pages are missing in the churchbook.
You see that during late August 1724 [left page - original folio 118, that is bild110/sida 192], we have on the right page jumped to March.
The next page (bild111/sida194) show on the left we are on folio 123.....; and right right page indicates the year 1727.
Conclusion: From August 25th 1724 to March 14th 1726 we have missing pages in the original churchbook!
Quite unfortunate as we don't have husförhör preserved from that time period either!
NB: This is why the other genealogist could only write "1724" for Gertrud Jonsdotter's birth -> by her marriage we might have the name of the father!
Could explain why the other genealogist has Jon Jonsson and NN as her parents.
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I find it interesting on the geni page that they note her death, which happens after she married again, but don't note her 2nd second marriage.
They state she was born in Kroken, Tydje and not Tisselskog as noted on the household record more then once. I don't see a Gertrud born in the year in either place but this might be a Gertrud in Tisselskog in 1722. I am not for sure though because of the challenge of reading the record.
Given the gaps in the books the children from her 1st marriage would have been at an age when most of them could have been out of the house.
This is the estate record for Joen Häkansson, the first husband of Gertrud. I don't know what most of it says but I don't see Sven listed as a child. Can you translate it? Maybe it will give clues as to what happened with each of the children from this marriage.
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If they were married in Tisselskog, we sadly also have a hole in the church books without marriages from 1738-1752 and since their oldest child is from 1748, they are probably married just before that!
Tisselskog also only have preserved a church book from 1725, so if Gertrud Jonsdotter was born there in 1724 , it is impossible to verify or not.
As Tösse also has a hole in baptisms between august 1724 and 1726 and she is not in Tydje church book, then it is only be finding a lucky probate it would seem!
Good find with the probate of Jon Håkansson.
That Sven is not listed could be because he died young -> but as widow Gertrud Jonsdotter and children Halfward, Olof, Jonas and Anna are listed, it is certainly the right family.
It even gives us the names of Joen Håkansso's brothers: Per Håkansson and Hans Håkansson.
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If you get far enough back the chances increases that you connect with another genealogist, that had made all the work already!
..and Bingo: Håkansson was correct because I found this geni-page of their son Olof Håkansson, who became an important part of the local community!
Parents: Jon Håkansson and Gertrud Jonsdotter and the names of his siblings all fit!
Siblings: Halvor (written Halfwor in the husförhör), Anna, Jonas and Sven.
Jon Håkansson:
Gertrud Jonsdotter:
Off course one always needs to verify this informations yourself with finding proof in the original sources!
NB: This genealogist didn't know that Gertrud Jonsdotter remarried with Lars Larsson in 1762!
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@Niels Just Rasmussen There are more records for Tisselskog under Steneby. Were you able to read the record I attached from there?
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Yeah, but I can't find any Gertrud, born from a Jon there?!
From the net it seems that Steneby and Tisselskog was first joined together in 2010.....
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Given the records I have it seems like when I add Gerterud/Gertrud into FamilySearch that I put her birth place as Tisselskog since that it what the records state more then once. I haven't been able to find anything official records wise that she was born in a different place. I haven't been able to find an estate record for her, there are no women listed on the Tax records that I saw it Tösso. I am not sure where else to look for other records that might be an additional source telling where she was born. Any ideas?
I am I correct in how I add her to FamilySearch?
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Since Tisselskog baptism in 1724 isn't preserved a "1724" date of birth is likely the closest we can get, and since the husförhör has that as birthplace, it could be entered (I personally would leave it unlisted as to not create confusion if it is later found to be wrong).
I Tisselskog you have a Joen Olofsson/Ohlsson in "mandtal" 1724-1725.
In Tisselskog church book the 22. November 1726 a Jon Olofsson and wife ?Hiertru Svendsdotter? who gets a son Bengt baptised.
Source (bild 20/sida 21, top left):
NB: It could be worth researching if this could be Gertrud Jonsdotters father?!
This page actually thinks that she is: Jon Olofsson (1697- 29. Marts 1780)
NB: It has only Gertrud Jonsdotter's name, but no other info
Can they have the name from some probate?
Hietru Svensdotter should die and Jon Olofsson/Ohlsson remarry in 1. Oktober 1731 to Kirsten Halfwardsdotter.
NB: The source has a mistake -> their daughter Ingrid dies in 30. Oktober 1725 [as the church book is first preserved from 1725] and she is 1 year old!
Source (bild74/sida 131, bottom left):
NB: Could Gertrud and Ingrid have been twins?
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Probably the death of the first wife:
D. 6. September [1730] dödde hustru Hiertru Svendsdotter i ?Lund?, 38 århr.
Source (bild 76/sida 135; 2-last right):
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It looks like there was some connection with Steneby and Tisselskog much earlier.
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As I understand it Steneby and Tisselskog are within the same "pastorat", but when you see the place names for Steneby, there is no Tisselskog.
So Tisselskog is not within Steneby Församling, so Gertrud Jonsdotter should be born ca. 1724 within Tisselskog Församling, which unfortunately only has preserved church books from 1725.
As Joen/Jon Olufsson/Ohlsson is the only Joen/Jon I could find in the "mandtal", he is very likely the father of Gertrud; but off course no absolute proof possible without a probate.
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I don't think I am explaining my thoughts clearly. From what I am seeing because the "pastorat" some records have been group together. It appears that in the Stenby collection there are more birth records for Tisselskog. When I look up Tisselskog in ArkivDigital I can see two more earlier books that have Tisselskog records grouped with other parishes that are in the pastorat. These records are challenging for me to record but if what I am seeing holds true Gertrud Jonsdotter should be listed in Steneby C:2. If I am totally reading this incorrectly please help me to understand why it is then listed here.
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Ah (I don't have arkivdigital), so I wasn't aware of this.
I have tried to look through the records, but couldn't find any Gertrud, born of Jon in Tisselskog in that church book in around 1724! [But yeah it is pretty to to read certain places]
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I don't have arkivdigital either. I just use it at the FamilySearch Center. Thanks for taking a 2nd look at the records.