Help on Danish marriage record

I would love it if someone can tell me what is on this record that I should know. It is the last entry (number 3) for Anders Nielson. Some I can read but very little. Is it birth dates in the last column? and what are all the names in the 3rd column? Any help in reading this record would be so helpful and appreciated.
Second column:
(transcription) Ungkarl Anders Nielsen af Lind, Damsholte Sogn. 20 Aar.
(translation) Bachelor Anders Nielsen of Lind, Damsholte parish. 20 years (old).
Third column:
(transcription) Ugift Fruentimmer Thrine Larsen af Askeby. 33 Aar.
(translation) Unmarried mother Thrine Larsen of Askeby. 33 years (old)
Fourth column (the "Forloverne - sponsors/bondsmen at the marriage"):
(transcription): Brudgrommens fad(er) hmd (husmand) Niels Pedersen af Lind og Brudens Fader hmd (husmand) Lars ____sen (Hansen?) af Askeby.
(translation): The bridegroom's father cottager Niels Pedersen of Lind and the bride's father cottager Lars ____sen (Hansen?) of Askeby.
Fifth column (date of the marriage): 29 April
Sixth column (where the marriage took place):
(transcription): I Kirken - 1st Lysning 1st Søndag in Faste__.
(translation): In the church - 1st reading of the banns 1st Sunday in Faste (Lent) (14 February 1864 - that seems kind of early but I believe that is what it says).
Last column: The dates are when the groom and bride were vaccinated (against smallpox). His was 6 July 1844 and hers was 4 July 1831. It also gives the name of the person who vaccinated them, but I can't read either name.
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Census 1870: Præstø, Mønbo, Damsholte Sogn, Nørre Frenderup, Huus, 193, FT-1870, E2778
Anders Nielsen 25 G Husfader Dagleier Damsholte
Trine Larsen 38 G Husmoder Konen Damsholte
Jens Peter Nielsen 5 U Deres børn Fanefjord
Anna Margrethe Nielsen 2 U Deres børn Damsholte
Johanne Jensen 1 U Pleiebarn Ernæres af Fattigvæsenet Damsholte
Kilde: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Census 1880: Præstø, Mønbo, Fanefjord Sogn, Askeby, 3 - et Hus, 255, FT-1880, C8967
Anders Nilsen 35 Gift Husfader og Dagleier i Agerbruget Damsholte Sogn, Præstø Amt
Trine Nilsen f Larsen 48 Gift Hans Kone Her i Sognet
Ane Magrethe Nilsen 12 Ugift Deres Datter Damsholte Sogn, Præstø Amt
Kilde: Dansk Demografisk Database.
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Lægdsrulle 1858: Præstø Amt. Lægd 80 = Damsholte Sogn.
Father: Niels Pedersen.
Name: Anders [Nielsen].
Born: Lind 12/2 1844.
Moves to 81-J-299 [Moves to Fanefjord Sogn in 1859].
Source (page 453, nr 460) :,834216
Lægdsrulle 1859: Præstø Amt. Lægd 81 = Fanefjord Sogn.
Father: Niels Pedersen.
Name: Anders [Nielsen]
Born: Lind 1844.
Moves to 80-N-26 [Moves to Damsholte Sogn in 1863]
Source (page 226, nr 299):,857538
Lægdsrulle 1863: Præstø Amt. Lægd 80 = Damsholte Sogn.
Father: Niels Pedersen.
Name: Anders [Nielsen].
Born: Lind 1844.
EK4-No. 390. Session 1867 [EK4 = Egentlig Krigstjeneste Rytteriet = Actual warservice cavalry]
in 2nd Battalion 30/5 1867 (and probably again in 10/1867)
in 13th Battalion 7/1868.
Source (page 119, nr 26):,835901
Born: 12. Februar 1844 in Damsholte Sogn.
Baptised: 17. Marts 1844 in Damsholte church.
Name: Anders Nielsen.
Father: husmand Niels Pedersen.
Mother: hustru Karen Hansdatter i Lind.
Source (page 175, nr 10 top):,78563796
Census 1845: Præstø, Mønbo, Damsholte Sogn, Lind Bye, et Huus, 273-F1, FT-1845, B9405
Niels Pedersen 35 Gift Hmd og Dagleier do [her i Sogn:]
Karen Hansdatter 34 Gift hans Kone do [her i Sogn:]
Hans Peter Nielsen 3 - deres Børn do [her i Sogn:]
Anders Nielsen 1 - deres Børn do [her i Sogn:]
Mette Stine Nielsen 8 - deres Børn do [her i Sogn:]
Ane Marie Nielsen 6 - deres Børn do [her i Sogn:]
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
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Died: 10. Januar 1893 in Askeby in Fanefjord Sogn.
Buried: 15. Januar 1893 in Fanefjord kirkegaard.
Name: Trine Larsen [originally Larsdatter].
Født og boende i Askeby, Fanefjord Sogn, Møns Herred. Husmandskone.
Forældre: husmand Lars Hansen og hustru Grete Pedersdatter i Askeby.
Gift med husmand Anders Nielsen i Askeby.
Age: 61 years old.
Source (page 238, nr. 1):,24693952
Soon after widower Anders Nielsen is remarried and we got the 100% proof because here his parents are listed as Niels Pedersen and Karen Hansdatter from Lind in Damsholte Sogn.
Viet: 3. December 1893 i Fanefjord Sogn.
Anders Nielsen, født i Lind, Damsholte Sogn, 1844, 12. Februar.
Enkemand og husmand i Askeby.
Forældre: husmand Niels Pedersen og hustru Karen Hansdatter i Lind.
Anne Marie Jensen, født i Dame 1853, 28. August.
Pige i Askeby.
Forældre: Jens Peder Jakobsen og hustru Anne Kirstine Jeppesen i Dame.
Forlovere: Hans Peter Nielsen & Hendrik Pedersen, forhenværende smed i Askeby.
Source (page 335, nr 22 top):,24693293
Død: 6. April 1923 i Fanefjord Sogn.
Navn: Anders Nielsen.
Forhenværende parcelist i Askeby, Fanefjord Sogn, Møn. Født i Fanefjord [Born in Damsholte].
Gift med Marie Nielsen [= Anne Marie Jensen].
Alder: 79 Aar [født 12/2 1844 -> correct birthdate]
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Wow, you are amazing! Thanks you for all your help.